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  1. G

    limitting the height of cannabis

    I'm starting a grow soon and i need to know how to limit the height of cannabis. I'm growing in about a 2 1/2' tall space. I'm growing some seeds I got from a friend which are pure Indica, which is the shorter of the two genus's if I'm correct, but will still likely grow above 2 1/2'. I'm...
  2. G

    Could this be marijuana in my yard?

    plant a couple marijuana plants back there if those aren't marijuana. they'll blend in perfectly.
  3. G

    couching when token

    get some halls or vicks nigga.
  4. G

    First Grow Ever

    i'm sorry i should've been more clear. my problem is that my plants haven't sprouted yet and i'm concerned. Also I put them about 2 cm's into the dirt.
  5. G

    First Grow Ever

    bump 10char
  6. G

    First Grow Ever

    Sorry, the 23 watt is 3000k, not 3500k.
  7. G

    First Grow Ever

    It should be noted that I have very limited resources due to lack of funds. I recently began my first grow after after getting some seeds off of a friend. I germinated 2 seeds for 3 days using the paper towel method, then put them in peat moss cups with some soil I got from a friend, I can't...
  8. G

    what do girls think of loners?

    Girls don't have one collective hive-mind. Different ones will think different things.
  9. G

    Awesome underground hip-hop