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  1. aukai

    maui harvest time

    i had three maui wowie clonz, cut one a couple weeks ago (60 days flowering) when i thought they were ripe, but they started spitting out tufts of hairs starting from the top so i let them fill in some more. There was an issue with my timer staying on for some reason and a light leak so i...
  2. aukai

    maui wowie harvest time

    ya theres not much info on the internet as far as maui goes which was strange i thought, but the guy i got the clones from said 56 days which was yesterday so ill give it a few more days to ripen up nicely
  3. aukai

    maui wowie harvest time

    right on thanks for the posts, ya the pistils are about 35% red id say, so i was gonna wait until 50% to chop em down. Sure is tempting tho! smelling very fruity strongly of strawberry...cant wait
  4. aukai

    fluorescent lighting for veg room

    thanks for the response, the veg room is only 3.5'x3'x5.5' tall and i definitely like the t5's, been chekn those out for a while, so possibly a 2ft fixture and some supplemental cfls. unfortunately cant afford another hid right now, maybe in the near future when i get a better spot!
  5. aukai

    maui wowie harvest time

    ive lst'd three maui wowie clonz which are a couple days from harvest they didnt fill in as much as id hoped (possibly from organic nutes?) but the strain responded well to being tied down
  6. aukai

    fluorescent lighting for veg room

    so ive got a grow box that i recently split to accommodate a veg room, just wondering what everyone thinks about fluorescent lights, how strong, how many, which bulbs (tube,compact) ive seen cfl's at home depot but dont know how they compare to more expensive ones at growstores. lemme know...
  7. aukai

    ailing plant!!

    right on thanks man, i will pick one up this weekend and try to diagnose the problem, other than the one straggler the others are filling in and getting frosty... best ever
  8. aukai

    ailing plant!!

    all necrotic spots are on the lower growth but the stems are very rigid and brittle on this plant in particular, also this plant didnt like being trained or tied down whereas the others are fine, maybe just a bad plant or the runt of the bunch.
  9. aukai

    ailing plant!!

    where would be a good place to pick up a test kit, and do i test the water or soil?
  10. aukai

    ailing plant!!

    it is half fox farm ocean forest and half happy frog with extra perlite. i had an issue with over fert during vegging (fox farm grow big) but flushed and they bounced back, now they are on botanicare's organic flowering. im not sure of the ph of the water, and i was thinking it could be a...
  11. aukai

    ailing plant!!

    i have 3 maui wowie clonz and 3 seeds i brought wit me from hawaii, one of the hawaiians isn't doing so well and i have no clue whats wrong. brown spots and drooping leaves. Lemme know watcha think