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  1. T


    OK, I apologize for jumping down your throat but that forum was perfect until the word got out. Now it is public knowledge and living on borrowed time in my opinion. I guess the damage is done but I am 100% against naming sources on public forums, especially when they are dealing in illegal...
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    Why post this? Hasn't it been spread around the net like a fucking plague already? Some things are better left unsaid, especially things outing sources.
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    My dad used to get micro in the 70's. He had ones called California sunshine and red stats but he said the strongest was black micro. I believe the reason it switched to blotter was the penalties for possession were determined by weight later on in the 70's or early 80's so if you were caught...
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    whered all the mdma go?

    Supply for illegal drugs seems to wax and wane all the time. Sometimes it's because of a bust or someone getting ripped off, but I think alot of the time availaibility is controlled to keep the price high.
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    LSD thought loops

    I find if I am going for the higher dosages of psychedelics, pushing the envelope, I am better doing it alone. Any real negative effects I get from trips; loops, paranoia etc, seem to manifest from social interaction.
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    LSD thought loops

    Yeah, I've got round too that way of thinking too. Last time I was looping I didn't realize until my girlfriend says I was repeating myself but at the back of my mind I wonder if I was or if because she said I was it influenced my memory, the trip and infact created the loop. However it can be...
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    LSD thought loops

    I've been in thought loops a few times when taking LSD in the 450 to 550 microgram range, its very frustrating and can limit the potential of the remainder of the trip if you can't let it go. I have always been under the impression that to break the loop you need to get to the root of the...
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    Frequency of use

    In my experience with LSD the amount I take untill the first hour of effect is over (where I usually reach my peak) determines the intensity where anything after that determines duration.
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    Frequency of use

    Ok, I understand where your coming from but I'm kinda talking about recreational trips here. I'm sure I've read here that you don't agree with using psychedelics for recreational use (if this is not true I'm very sorry my memory isn't 100%) but I think there is nothing wrong with having a...
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    Frequency of use

    I don't think I could take LSD 3 days in a row without increasing the dosage exponentialy. I have takin 2 tabs at once 1 night and taken 6 of the same tabs at once the night after and I tripped alot harder on the first night.
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    Frequency of use

    On the run-up to Christmas and New Year I was tripping once, sometimes twice a week. I usualy avoid tripping more than once a fortnight to keep tolerance low and I definitely noticed my tolerence increasing. How often do you like to trip? Do you notice tolerence affecting you or can you trip as...
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    What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

    I have recently been taking DHC via cold water extraction. You can get Paramol brand pain killers OTC in the UK. They contain ~7.5 mg DHC and 500mg APAP (paracetemol). The first 2 times I took it with a few beers and on its own the buzz was a bit subtle for me. On Sunday though I took around...
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    Thoughts on 2cb?

    I saw this in 3D on 2C-B funnily enough. Only 20mg (it was a week night) but it was a good experience. Tuned into it nicely an the coloured trails left by the bikes etc were very vivid.
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    Tripping now??? Check this out!

    Nice video Puffer Fish. It was fucking with my head and I'm sober lol. You have to admire the amount of work that has went into doing that.
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    Thoughts on 2cb?

    I love it. To me it's more interesting than 2C-E or 2C-I. I have only snorted it once but it wasn't much and at the end of a 4-HO-MET experience so I didn't get much off it. It was definitely alot easier on the nose than 2C-E or 2C-I.
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    Antihistamies affecting psychedelics

    I have just recently been prescribed hydroxyzine and I think I read somewhere that first generation antihistamines can reduce the intensity of a trip and sometimes can nullify it completely. Obviously this is the last thing I want happening to me, anyone here have experience of this or can shed...
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    Synthetic Cannabinoids and MDMA?

    If you are talking about MDMA + 2C-B its a nice combination and done alot. It's really good to take when the MDMA buzz is almost finished as the MDMA gently transforms into a 2C-B trip. I don't have any experience with any of the synthetic cannabinoids though so I can't comment on how that will...
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    Roll In

    Piperazine pills are nothing like MDMA in my opinion. I stopped taking pills for ages because of that shit luckily MDMA pills are making a comeback in the UK. I'm happy paying through the nose to get quality.
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    Roll In

    I always have a smoke of green when I'm rolling because smoking feels so good and I don't smoke tobacco anymore. I've found that I don't really get much effect from the weed though and end up smoking shit-loads.