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    Jamaica mon

    Yeah because this is definitely the right forum to put this in
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    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    needs DWC added?
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    2010 Medical Monster Attempt

    awesome plants wow, and the flowering pics are sweet. glad youre all legal etc. makes recreational smokers like me feel bad though when we know youre using it for meds. at least personally.
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    Need a recommendation on growing techniques

    yeah i know thats why i was asking about shortening the width a little. so is a normal grow my only option then? will there be major impacts if i dont have enough space for all their leaves? and would lst be recommended? thanks
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    Need a recommendation on growing techniques

    hmm ok well thanks. i did think sog looked good but idk, it means buying 3+ lamps just to keep up with cycles. but one important question, is it possible to do SoG from seed? and how would i do it if it is?
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    Need a recommendation on growing techniques

    So I have an area in my room, like a tiny wardrobe almost, maybe a meter by 3/4 meter, but its really tall so height isnt a problem. I've been lurking for a while and have read up on topping, sog, scrog and all of that, but im just wondering what kinda stress techniques or anything else helps...