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  1. J

    I Think My Plants are Budding Early

    No they are not budding, they are showing sex.
  2. J

    So Stoned...Theory of Life...

    So you think Geologists have some kind of an agenda? What scientists do in general is try to disprove them self's, or someone else will. So following your line of thinking, if I needed a tooth pulled I should do it myself??? or differ to an expert, i.e. a Dentist.
  3. J

    So Stoned...Theory of Life...

    No mystery about it, 4.5 billion years.
  4. J


    So what, is it gonna change what you have for lunch?
  5. J


    50 gal of water comes in at 500 lbs.
  6. J

    Plant Problem W/DETAILS! Help Please!

    From personal experience from 40 years of growing. PH is not the issue in dirt as it is in hydro. Tap water contains cal and mag that ro water does not, soil provides a ph buffer where as hydro mediums do not. I have long since stop growing in dirt and now pay much more attention to the ph of...
  7. J

    Plant Problem W/DETAILS! Help Please!

    My first thought is over watered. Second if you are in dirt you are better off with tap water than ro.
  8. J

    How much?

    Under 3 full zip dry
  9. J

    Is this a herm?

    Not a hermie, completely normal. I freaked as well when I saw my first fat calyx
  10. J

    plants wont finish

    How are your night temps? I am having the same trouble here. Have been growing AI that has been finishing in 45 days, I am now at 50 and the bud mass is not there. I had some nights at 57 deg I have now corrected that and do not allow temps below 65.
  11. J

    How To Spot A Liberal....

    "Any or all of these are a tip off that the person you are talking to has been sipping the kool aid. Do not try and change them!! This will only enrage and confuse them (yes they are easily confused). Smile and make your way to the saner part of the party." Well I have tried to change many...
  12. J

    How cold is too cold?

    Never below 60
  13. J

    Share your testimony and revelations of God here.

    The comment was not aimed at you sir it was for the op. You did not make mention of the bible.
  14. J

    Share your testimony and revelations of God here.

    Because you derive some benefit from your believes does not make them any more true. The document you refer to was written in the bronze age by desert tribes men, not a supernatural being.
  15. J

    seedlings and 600W hps?!?

    The hps is fine, you would do better with a mh bulb for veg growth, less stretching. 18/6 is just fine for small seedlings.
  16. J


    I see u have plenty of perlite, that with drainage holes and it becomes pretty hard to over water.
  17. J

    Water Vs Rockwool cloning - an idea...opinions wanted

    rockwool takes forever, I have had 100% success rate with rapidrooters .
  18. J

    What do you think of Rolling Stone's burning flag joint?

    It was an every day image in the 60's and 70's. I would bet quite a few of the old guys are still around.
  19. J

    "Sarah Palin Offered $25,000 By Marijuana Advocates"

    Quite the contrary. Palin is grounded in her faith and conservative/libertarian principles. Her stated agenda is a smaller central government, lower taxes, free markets ... and free minds. Grounded in her faith? You mean she believes in talking snakes and virgin birth. See also thinks Africa...