Search results

  1. J

    Best way to transition to flowering?

    Hey all. We are about 2 months into a soil grow under a 430W HPS. Plants are 2 1/2 ft tall. Been using the GH Flora series supplemented with diamond nectar and floralicious grow. The GH feeding schedule shows a transitional period from veg to flower. So how long is the transitional period...
  2. J

    Conversion Bulb Question

    Come on. Anyone?
  3. J

    setting up 8 x 5 grow room with 2 1000 watt hps lights. too much?

    Speaking from experience in using a 400W HPs in a closet, I would say that is way too much. Of course, if you do a hell of a job properly venting the area, it should be fine.
  4. J

    Conversion Bulb Question

    We currently have a 400W HPS ballast & Hortilux bulb. It works great for veg & flowering, but we have been debating on getting an mh setup. To save some money, we have been looking into a conversion mh bulb that will run on our ballast. Has anyone used one before? Is it just as efficient as...
  5. J

    My roomies are paranoid about buying supplies online

    Considering both of my roomies are in on it financially, they arent going to go ratting me out anytime soon. No, they are just stupid. They must seem to think the package is going go through DEA headquarters or something where they will see mylar and come bust us.
  6. J

    My roomies are paranoid about buying supplies online

    I have found a killer deal on some equipment (mylar and a reflector), something that could save me about 50 dollars or so. But they are bitching and moaning about it getting delivered to the house. Going on about how it leaves a paper trail, and that we will start getting watched if I did it...
  7. J

    Bong cleaning

    Dude, go to any local head/hookah shop and buy cleaner for it. The one I use is called Formula 420. It's 10 dollars for a decent size bottle and works like a charm. Cleans even the nastiest of bongs in a minute or so.
  8. J

    Homemade Reflector - Use it or toss it?

    I already have a reflector, it's just this one can potentially work better for us. Of course, given how it is built, it may just be a waste of space.
  9. J

    Homemade Reflector - Use it or toss it?

    Our friends created a homemade reflector and gave one to us for use with a 400w HPS bulb. It was awesome of them to do it, so we naturally took it. Upon closer inspection though, I have my doubts. First of all, it is cut from thin plate steel. The inside has no material lining it to reflect the...
  10. J

    cfl or hps?

    CFLs for seedling, HPS for veg/flowering. Mh is preferable for vegetative growth, but if you can only afford one, go with the HPS.
  11. J

    when do i change from cfl to hps

    HPS lights work just fine for veg, just keep the light cycle 18/6. Depending on the strain, you can move it to the HID light after about 6 weeks after being under the CFLs, or if growing has peaked under them.
  12. J

    Question about Nutrients & Supplements

    I pretty much use the General Hydroponics line of nutes & supplements exclusively. I had success with them before, and they are reasonably affordable for my budget. Before, I used the Flora Series (Micro, Gro, & Bloom) along with Floralicious Bloom and a bottle of Diamond Nectar. I went to the...
  13. J

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    Been almost 72 hours now and they still haven't shown up. Either it's not a priority, or they are working on getting a search warrant. I just wish they would get here already so I can be done with this shit.
  14. J

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    Look, here's what happened. 1. Me and roommate #1 are working/drinking away from home. 2. Roommate #2 throws massive party. 3. Roommate #2, for some reason, LEAVES massive party in the middle of it. Cops came AFTER he left. No one at the apartment actually lives there. 4. Cops come to break...
  15. J

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    I wasn't there when the cops came. By the time I got back from work (20 minutes later at the most), they were gone. Apartment was empty. Nothing was confiscated. Today we got the call from the property manager. The property manager knows, the cop know, I think pretending I never had lights...
  16. J

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    It is within the cops right to do a property search. They can look in places big enough for people to hide (aka drunk people hiding from the cops). They can't go opening your kitchen cabinets or anything, but my bedroom was unlocked and the light was there in the closet. Since there was no one...
  17. J

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    Stonegrove, that is the worst fucking idea ever. I'm sorry. You think my landlord would approve of that? Yeah, I see the responses are about how I feel right now, split down the middle. Do I deny deny deny, or just leave it up and say I grow stuff inside? Fuck.
  18. J

    Having to deal with law enforcement real soon

    Last weekend, my roommate threw a party that got out of control and the cops came to break it up. I was at work, my other roommate was off somewhere. For whatever reason, my roommate left to pick someone up, so when leo showed up there was no one on the lease there. Everyone left, no one stopped...
  19. J

    How long do you hang your plants after they are cut down?

    After I cut my trees down and hang them, how long do I need to keep them strung up before I transfer them to my glass jars and the fridge? Any helpful advice about the setup they are in while they are upside down (fan ideas, recommended temperatures, etc).
  20. J

    I am NEVER going on vacation again. I might have to kill someone.

    Me and my roommate both went out of town for the christmas holidays. He didn't get back until about the 5th of January. I got back yesterday. We found a mutual friend to take care of our 5 very healthy, in the last few weeks of budding, females. We told her how to prepare water (all she really...