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  1. HippySmoke

    Need help with 3 week old Seedlings.

    I agree with Danny I said it before say it again, lime is a soil growers best friend.
  2. HippySmoke

    5150's Backyard 2013

    Holy nitrogen batman, theres no need to fertilize for now anyway. I am color blind and I see how green them ladies are. Are you concerned with a nitrogen excess during flower? Too much N past couple of weeks into august and IMHOP ya get leafier fluffier buds that I am not as interested in...
  3. HippySmoke

    Is my water "too hard" perhaps?

    And what options would you personally suggest to deal with the issue?
  4. HippySmoke

    Is my water "too hard" perhaps?

    Normally I do in fact use rain water, but I also used it for my garden garden and drained my 55 gallon trash can maybe a month ago. Haven't had any real rain to speak if for close to a month and a half.
  5. HippySmoke

    Is my water "too hard" perhaps?

    Thanks for the advice! wel looks like I'll need to save up yet more moola soon...
  6. HippySmoke

    Is my water "too hard" perhaps?

    So I shouid ph down my water another point to point and a half ya think? I am sorry to seem so very noobish but what exactly is a water softener? is it an agent that combines with the minerals in the water to either dissipate them or make them heavier so you can siphon off the good stuff? I am...
  7. HippySmoke

    Is my water "too hard" perhaps?

    Well I just moved this year, I was used to my city's water coming from a municipal underground well and it was decent water... but now I live in the suburbs for the next likely year and I am noticing... the water here is crap. And my pipes are old... I can see calcium buildups around my outdoor...
  8. HippySmoke

    Is my water "too hard" perhaps?

    I have been having issues with my water, it comes out at ph 9+ after setting out for 24+ hours. I used ph down to get it to around 6.5 to 7 but I am still noticing distincts issues. I don't have a ppm meter to be sure but I am wondering if my "hard" water is causing issue in my grow? I know...
  9. HippySmoke

    does anyone know anything about using supplemental lighting to prolong the veg season

    I am considering just using a security light for a few hours to keep me at 14, I plan on using the 400W on the side of my house... So far it's working. 3 hours a day of supplemental but it's a bitch moving them daily.
  10. HippySmoke

    Growing outside do u ph your outdoor water to 6.0-6.5 ??

    friggin' PH and water... I thought it need to be 6.5 to 7.2 water ph for a soil grow. For example I was watering (in containers outdoors) my water was above 7.6 (not sure where using fish ph test crap) and after a few weeks I started noticing issues didn't think to check water PH till last week...
  11. HippySmoke

    evil rider on washington states budget bill. no more patient home grows?

    "our"? I voted against I-502... I can't drive anymore dangit.
  12. HippySmoke

    evil rider on washington states budget bill. no more patient home grows?

    it passed we're screwed... 11 nay's... 81 yay's... those... erg... Section 141(2)(a) The liquor control board must work with the department of 2 health and the department of revenue to...
  13. HippySmoke

    5150's Backyard 2013

    Sadly no, this year I am growing for myself and another patient and he would prefer the grow remain as undocumented as possible. My grow is a bit behind, having PH issues and it's been overcast in the morning so now a few of my plants are flowering... AGAIN... this year's been tough on my garden.
  14. HippySmoke

    5150's Backyard 2013

    I'm rooting for ol' blue, as I call her. The single one in the planter... I grow in 5 gallon planters (I prefer smart pots but they weren't in the budget this year.) for one reason. pure control, may not be as beefy but I am happier with the quality of the product in the end. Subbed love seeing...
  15. HippySmoke

    Designated Provider Questions - Please help.

    I agree a hint overthought but... Oh and in this state caregiver's are only valid if they provide some other service to the well being of the patient besides grow their cannabis. If you designate a provider and all they supply is cannabis, then they can be in big legal doo doo. To get around...
  16. HippySmoke

    It's the solstice... why the heck are these ladies flowering already!?

    So is this a west coast apparition? I am noticing a correlation....
  17. HippySmoke

    It's the solstice... why the heck are these ladies flowering already!?

    It's a very small hoop house, on dry days when all the vents are open it get's pretty dry in there. I didn't know a low RH could cause flowering though. But as far as a humidistat... that's a good idea. For one I plan to erect 2 more small hoop houses. (urban grower need these babies out of...
  18. HippySmoke

    It's the solstice... why the heck are these ladies flowering already!?

    I only know one other outdoor grower in my area, I'll have to see if he is having the same issue. Thanks for the update though still frustrating but somehow relieving to know I am not the only one dealing with this... I highly highly highly doubt temps are a factor. The plants are located...
  19. HippySmoke

    It's the solstice... why the heck are these ladies flowering already!?

    oh lordy I hope I don't have to do that...