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    egyptian grower: HELP something weird happening to my newborns !!

    LOOL u got me man, i check on them almost every 30 mins, ur right, i'll go get myself 5 grams of local outdoor seedfull weed
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    egyptian grower: HELP something weird happening to my newborns !!

    hi all. i have 3 seedlings popped the soil 5 days ago, 1 of them which is growing a bit slow ( i think the soil was too compressed and couldnt grow roots) the other 2 are being very weird ! their little true leaves seem to be closing up !! is this normal ?? whats the cause for this, i am...
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    1st grow egypt,help !

    @kaleoxxx thanx for the great info u provided. i asked around today for this Y splitter, they dont seem to have ever heard of such here LOL. 3 world countries suck hehe. if u have any ideas about how to setup the lights most effeciently would be great. buying stuff online is a bit hard...
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    1st grow egypt,help !

    i just took a look on the hempy bucket method, sounds great !! no fuss at all,i'll give this one a try, but lets see if i'll get any sprouts yet, thats my current mind consuming worry now lol. 3 days and non of the 3 germinated seeds popped out of the soil. thanx dura72. greeni u dont think...
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    fast question (egypt grower)

    3 days ago i got my germinated seeds into 16cm pots with peat moss/perlite mix, i had a problem with soil in which the moss doesnt hold the water well( strangely,since i heard peat moss DOES hold water), yes it does feel pretty damp and moist,but most or all the of the water comes out from the...
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    1st grow egypt,help !

    cfl reflectors are a good idea, HPS lamps are pretty cheap in cairo, 100 egy pounds for a 250w and ballast, around 18$. but i dont plan on using them since i cant provide my closet with vent fan. i also read online that peat moss holds water well,which doesnt seem true, here is the link...
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    1st grow egypt,help !

    thanx for ur quick replies guys i'll think i wont upgrade till i get any results. i wont risk getting some outside soil,maybe i'll experiment with moss, press it more into the pot,use it without perlite, i dont know. it DOES feel pretty moist but still doesnt hold anywater. i'll use 6x26w cool...
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    1st grow egypt,help !

    oh sorry for the cat pic..uploaded by mistake XD
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    1st grow egypt,help !

    hi all thanx for eveyones effort on this great forum, i am a newb grower from egypt and i could really use some help on my grow. let me tell u about my situation,1st i am going to grow indoors in a closet of dimensions 170Hx150Lx50W (8 sqft), i covered the walls with sheets of white paper...
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    1st time growing from egypt

    thanx for the reply redwolf, appreciating ur help so i guess i'll stay with the 26w plan and see what my results are. u'll make me take the risk of getting some outside soil (i dont really know about the pest conditions), damn am so paranoid about this soil issue,i have no idea about the...
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    In Defense of Free Speech: Is Islam a Hate Crime?

    hmmmm...i guess u guys should have some one to put out the hate upon lol. so here i am, a muslim from egypt, and i would like to share some thoughts 1st i am loving the way Padawanbater thinks, he is thinking reasonably and patriotic in a good way,i dont need to quote what he says, it pretty...
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    1st time growing from egypt

    @redwolf666 i would also appreciate if u can comment on my setup,and would my lighting be enough for 3 plants (3x26w cool, 3x26w warm) how about 4 or 5 plants ? HPS or any other heat emmiting light is not an option since its to expensive for me and there is no way i can install a vent fan
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    1st time growing from egypt

    yes thats exactly the problem ! i doubt i can get any sterile sand or soil here. how can i solve this ! i read that soil gets baked, but i really dont want to to spend so much time baking everytime i plant or for transplanting ! solution please
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    1st time growing from egypt

    and please try to be as basic as possible, i will never find all those brands u guys talk about here, i have a plant shop near my house,but it doesnt really sell any equipment expect pots and peat moss, and i think i could get some earth soil from there (should i ??)
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    1st time growing from egypt

    @kaleoxxx i am pretty sure thats outdoor, people here grow weed on large scale and primitivly, so could be very well low quality outdoor, anyway here is my current status these are pictures of my growing closet ,dimensions are 170cm Hx150cm Lx 50cm W i kinda improvised it...
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    1st time growing from egypt

    hi all great work everyone, the forum is amazing this is my 1st time to think about growing, and there is some questions that need to be answered 1st i am from egypt, and here u can get the cheapest weed ever, i get a 50 gram bag for less than 10 dollars!! though the quality of the...