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  1. K

    What is the best soil for starting seeds

    how can i tell when i should be adding them? and is it true that i should start with work castings and move to bat guano or what would be the best "garden variety" nutes without having to order them.
  2. K

    Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!

    is anyone here growing in ontario? and if so what varieties are you going for lol i want to go to the 420 seedbank in toronto but are there better ones around? this is my first year growing
  3. K

    What is the best soil for starting seeds

    i know im way behind, but why unuted soil? what if i put a little worm castings in would that not speed things up?
  4. K

    starting indoor for outdoor

    or would that at least speed the process?
  5. K

    starting indoor for outdoor

    hey will they be alright to move outside if i just match the temperature (open a window) and put a strong fan on em? i dont have 2 weeks to harden them as mentioned earlier....