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  1. 4

    Attention People Who DEBATE Over Religion.

    It is not hard like you said. Pad and I couldent disagree more on certain subjects, and we might call each other bumbo klat, but it wont keep me from expressing my love to padawan, as I love all of gods children.
  2. 4

    Attention Atheist

    There are four dimensions.
  3. 4

    Attention Atheist

    So because god didnt send you a goddamn picture of him and his wife he doesent exist? Dude your childish brain will hopefully someday awaken to the realization that is stabbing you in your goddamn eyeballs.Guess what idiot big bang is still a theory that you use to dispute god due to your...
  4. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Wow are you deaf, illiterate, or just plain stupid. I clearly said that the big bang might have been the way the creator made life, but guess the fuck what, WE DID NOT GET LUCKY, CIRCUMSATANCES DIDNT JUST SO HAPPEN TO OCCUR TO THE POINT TO WHERE IT JUST ACCIDENTALY HAPPENED. Yeah sure theyre...
  5. 4

    Attention Atheist

    What are you a fucking moron, you already know this shit. why would you waste your time.
  6. 4

    Attention Atheist

    You dont even know how great of a laugh this gave me. All I have to do is read the first few sentences and it tells me how stupid you really are. You swear that you know it all riding on your high horse huh? You got all the answers. This blows my mind when I know for a fact that you dont know...
  7. 4

    Attention Atheist

    "I give you all herb bearing seed" dumbass
  8. 4

    Attention Atheist

    No sorry buddy I perfectly understand nature and its reasons for being here on earth. Some day your gonna have to wake up and realize that you are following a theory that has not been proven as a fact and never will be. You are not knowlegeable at all if your gonna sit here and tell me how we...
  9. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Quit acting like an ignorant child, we both know that proof on paper will never exist so stop acting like a childish smartass. So, you have any other proof besides your scientific THEORY that will never be proven as fact? Didnt think so.
  10. 4

    Attention Atheist

    You see that flower that grew 100x what it used to be because the seed was exposed to water? You see that bee that also came about the same way scavenging for that flower that just happened to yield pollen? Why does everything just so happen work together flawlessly? You athiest think that...
  11. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Unlike you I have eyes and see the world as it is.
  12. 4

    Attention Atheist

    I dont go by the bible.IF the bible never existed I would feel the same way. It doesent matter how the hell it happened, I am not dumbshit enough to believe that the entire universe is accidental. We have a purpose, we have souls. Dont believe me? Then why the hell do you feel the need to...
  13. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Its pretty sad that gods own children do everything in their power to disprove god, only to gain the notion that our life is accidental and we are soulless. Maybe you guys should stop living in family guy cartoons. Must you latch on to other peoples stupidity just to feel cool and fit in? You...
  14. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Please go rent and watch into the universe, then tell me that you believe in the big bang. Every scientist who tries to state this as a fact cannot do so without saying luck, luck, luck. The complexity of dna, and the entire process of life is not possible just by chance. It didnt just so happen...
  15. 4

    Attention Atheist

    hmmm. that figures the only thing you have to argue is my punctuation, grammer, and spelling, Since you have no argument for why we got lucky over and over and over again.
  16. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Really? A magical pink promordial stew? A series of lucky events that just so happened to occur flawlessly in order to create and sustain life? uhhmm. no you are terribly mistaken if you think this is simple. In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth dumbass.
  17. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Thats exactley how your kids will be raised, believeing that some big bang created a magical pink primordial stew that created all life. Poor damn kids being brainwashed into thinking they have no soul and their life is accidental. Sounds like the beginning of a miserable life for your kids.
  18. 4

    Mojave Berry (new strain)

    4 weeks to go
  19. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Thats besides the point.Doesnt matter which element were talking about. Ok then lucky for us the big bang just happened to create helium or wed be shit outa luck eh?
  20. 4

    Attention Atheist

    Go and rent Into the Universe :How everything was Created. Its a new special by stephen hawking that premiered a few weeks ago. I shit you not, he says luck this, luckily that, about fifty times, no joke. No matter what scientist you ask, they cannot explain how everything came about without...