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  1. richishere82

    Secret Jardin Darkroom Club

    The air should be pulled through the carbon filter thats why its got a white prefilter over the outside..pull air through will still work tho but not as good and not for as long ...
  2. richishere82

    will my 15 watt grow light work

    Dont bother getting it cos they suck!! i've had the cheap LED lights and they are very poor like Mr Blazed said u need to spend alot of cash to get a good LED set up..get HPS for flower and a True 300watt CFL for veg.....
  3. richishere82


  4. richishere82

    Some nice pics shady...i like the set up you have and the 5gal bucket looks top notch, so how...

    Some nice pics shady...i like the set up you have and the 5gal bucket looks top notch, so how do i +rep you ???
  5. richishere82

    yea shady i cloned 4 last week and they seem to be doing just fine... i used Clonex root...

    yea shady i cloned 4 last week and they seem to be doing just fine... i used Clonex root hormone gel, soil,sand and perlite... but this seems an easy way of cloning seems fool proof and the good thing is that you can...
  6. richishere82

    where is ur pics gone i cant accsess anything!!

    where is ur pics gone i cant accsess anything!!
  7. richishere82

    yes podunk, i agree there the ph probes aint much to go by...i made the same mistake and used it...

    yes podunk, i agree there the ph probes aint much to go by...i made the same mistake and used it right through my first grow thinking all was good,untill i hit nute lockout due to PH being to low when using BioBizz..Like 1ml of the Bio Grow brings my water down from 7.6 to 5.9 even lower with...
  8. richishere82

    hi, i just wanna know how do i upload pics??

    hi, i just wanna know how do i upload pics??
  9. richishere82

    This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in

    wow you bought a machine to vacume you .i go for the cheaper method of using those clothes vacume sealing bags you suck all the air out with a hoover ..hey presto you got a vacume machine and they only cose 79p each in my town...
  10. richishere82

    help flourscent tube 250w grow

    Hi i dont think many ppl will answear the thread as you aint described how you gonna grow Soil?Hydro? also you need blue spectrum lights for veg and red for flower,and thats just the start... if i was you i would use soil first and only use the 250 cfl blue spec for veg, and get a 400 hps for...
  11. richishere82

    Help me design my CFl stealth Cabinet! Any advice is appreciated

    Hi ppl i have a 300 watt cfl bulb and its a monster its like 17inches long and puts out 24000 lumens, just started to veg some baby's so dont know how well its going to do ...but i also have a 100watt cfl duel spectrum which is doing ok but i just started to flower and i'm hoping it will give...
  12. richishere82

    Plant burn???

    that is a good idea if i wanna grow like this its just perlite and nutes? cos i just topped my plant and its started dying dont know how cos it was doing well till i cut the top off now all big leaves are dying on me?? my first grow 105 watt 6500k cfl ph 6.5 nutes bio bizz 1ml per ltr temp 22c