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  1. S

    Wilting leaves, one week old. HELP!

    I planted some seedlings and have them under an 80W Fluorescent shop light with a 24W light on one side and another 15W light on the other. The side lights are right up near the pots, around an inch away and the shop light is about 2 inches away from the top of the plants. The main problem is...
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    Please, is this a Male? My fav one also....

    I don't see any balls on it, hope you get a female :)
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    Purple stems and dying leaves.

    What is your pH at and also why are they in such small pots? Additionally how often do you water and what nutes do you use?
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    Help!!!! 5th week flower!! Pictures!!!!

    Yeah seems like heat stress like jcdws said, hope you make it to harvest man :)
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    One out of three going yellow on me . . .

    Good luck with the flush, hope your plants make it.
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    First Grow - Journal

    Today the two seeds that where almost done fully germinating got thrown away by my girlfriend (/facepalm) and I think spider mites may have gotten to my all of my seedlings. I'm only 100% sure that only one got hit by them. Luckily today I got around 7 high quality seeds, probably some good kush...
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    Odd Bugs on my Plants! HELP!

    My little seedling I set out in the moderate shade during the day and put them under my lights at night (because my lights are VERY low powered.) I had 3 seedlings going and 2 more almost done germinating but my girlfriend threw them away not knowing what they where :(. Today, just now infact I...
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    !-(Any Advie Wanted)-|*Burton's 1st OUTDOOR GORW* |-(Lots of Pictures)-!

    Good luck with the grow man, sounds like it'll be good. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread. Personally I think you should veg for a week or two before you go outdoors, that's what I'm gunna do. Remember to pull your males, my friend forgot to do that and his Kush ended up not so great lol.
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    white widow grow

    That is a big request there lol. First things first you need 25 good clones or 25 good females to plant, then you need a grow space and I'm hoping you know about growing right? If not read the FAQ first.
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    First Grow - Journal

    Mainly the inside lights are for when I don't have time to move them outside and during the night. I wake up and leave the house at like 6 so it's to early to leave them out because it doesn't get light enough for a good hour and a half, but I get back at like 2:30 so I set them outside until...
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    What type of microscope for Trics

    Just grab a microscope from the kids section in your local toystore or hobby store. Can probably pick one up for 20 bucks, some even have a digital screen on the front that shows what the microscope is viewing.
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    First Grow - Journal

    Day 2: Another seed germinated the entire way (yey!) and I got that planted. Added 80W of Fluorescents to my grow setup and the two that I planted yesterday are breaking the dirt and showing the first signs of those cute little cataledyons or however you spell it. I've got a little grow box set...
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    to trim or not to trim

    Trim your plants before you dry/cure them, it's worth it. So much easier to trim plus the quality of your weed is improved because you have less filler (i.e. stems from extra leaves) and did I mention it is SO MUCH EASIER? It should only take you an hour or two to trim those 8 plants depending...
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    First Grow - Journal

    Thanks, made sure to put them in moderate shade like you said. Should I leave them like that for 2 weeks or slowly move them to lighter and lighter shade over the course of two weeks?
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    First Grow - Journal

    Thanks for that, I just walked outside a half hour ago immediately after putting the ones that had germed in pots and watering them out in the sunlight on my balcony lol.
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    First Grow - Journal

    This is the journal of my first grow, will have pictures as it progresses. Hoping to get some good stuff, the weed I got the seeds from was really good, pretty sure the guy I bought it from said it was California Kush or something like that. I'm growing under REALLY low CFL/Sunlight. I have a 15...
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    2 Weeks 5 Days into First grow budding. Please comment. Thanks

    Nice grow, how many plants and how big is the room?
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    Carolina Kush, heard of it?

    Today I got a kick ass deal from my new dealer and got a huge three layer glass bowl and three grams of Carolina Kush for $20. I smoked some (newbie smoker) and two-four hits puts me on my ass staring at the wall for two-three hours. I gave some to a friend of mine (veteran smoker) and she said...
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    total newb needs help

    WeSmkDro has the right idea of what you should do :)
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    total newb needs help

    You don't really need a specific cabinet, just a small wooden box that you can regulate temperature, airflow and light well enough in. I'm at my friends and he has a stealth grow going in a mini fridge.