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  1. youngblood

    Greenhouse Seeds Great White Shark Grow Box 600W HPS

    Dude, where are the pics? :D
  2. youngblood

    Know something about this bug? (+pic)

    I basicaly drenched my soil with the neem oil solution, but very gradually, I didn't just pour it all at once in the pot. I used a sprayer to soak the soil with the neem solution. As for my concentration, I used about 7 normal sized spoons full of neem oil for every 10 liters of water and I also...
  3. youngblood

    Total 1st timer.....plz help!!!

    To answer all your questions in order I would have to say that: it doesn't matter whether the cups are clear or colored, if you're using a High Pressure Sodium lamp or a Metal Halide lamp you should start by using a 18/6 light schedule, if you're using a CFL or some other light source that isn't...
  4. youngblood

    A Walk Through Sure Says A Lot

    Dude, I for one agree with you 100%, but the problem with such information is that over the years there have been so many conspiracy theories thrown about precisely to make a mockery out of ideas like this one. The masses are bombarded with tons of conspiracy theories that are somewhat absurd...
  5. youngblood

    Sperskunk Sensi Seed Bank

    Guys, I'm not posting here anymore, I'm using the blog feature of the site to keep my journal. So check my babies out there, if you want. The link is in my signature. :D
  6. youngblood

    Cheap bong!

    That's nice, a real collector's item for sure.
  7. youngblood

    Cheap bong!

    I didn't mean any disrespect, guys. What I wanted to say was just that the difference in price isn't always justified in the difference of quality, that's all.
  8. youngblood

    Cheap bong!

    They do, actually. And the biggest, baddest, thickest thing I've seen was about the equivalent of 50$.
  9. youngblood

    Cheap bong!

    Form a "bong users" union and go on strike until they lower the prices of paraphenelia dramatically, I guess :)) :D I didn't want to make it sound like I could facilitate cheap bongs or anything, I just wanted to show people how much cheaper these things really are. And it's not like I bought it...
  10. youngblood

    Check out my new Sheldon Black BOng

    For some reason the link couldn't be shown in the post above, so here:
  11. youngblood

    Check out my new Sheldon Black BOng, no offense to anybody, but ALL of you are getting ripped off over there in the US. If you don't believe me, check out this thread about a very cheap (in comparison to what I've seen anywhere on the web) glass bong. I simply can't...
  12. youngblood

    Cheap bong!

    Ok, just to make this clear from the start, this is NOT an advertisement of any kind. I am not selling anything nor am I encouraging anyone to buy something from a specific retailer or anything of that sort. I am simply outraged at the prices you guys in the US and certain other parts of the...
  13. youngblood

    guess how much longer...

    It will definitely be done by then. I'm guessing that it should be something like 7 days before doomsday, but definitely not more than 10. They can even be dried and ready to smoke before the 16th of may. :) Enjoy those pretty babies you have over there. They look like you handled them with...
  14. youngblood

    Sperskunk Sensi Seed Bank

    Day nr. 45 of flowering. They're definitely getting to where they're supposed to be going :D The buds are starting to get so fat that they look like they're about to burst. :D I figure that there are about 7-10 days to go. :leaf:
  15. youngblood

    Cheese strain topping. Any intel on that?

    Could you post a couple of pictures, dude? I'd be very interested to see how they little darlings are doing :D How far along in the growing stages are they?
  16. youngblood

    Cheese strain topping. Any intel on that?

    Sorry, but I disagree on that one, mate. Sometimes the info about whether or not a strain responds well to topping is actually provided by the seed bank that supplies the certain strain. Unfortunately that's not the case for the "cheese". But if you want to see for yourself, check out this...
  17. youngblood


    Dude, I live in a 2 room apartment (of which 1 room is the grow room) and I'm probably going to have to dry at least a kilo of bud. One kilo dry weight that is! :)
  18. youngblood


    Thanks for all the input guys. The reason why I was asking is because I will be harvesting in about 7-10 days and I usually dry the buds in the same room that I grow. But this time I have 2 or 3 "late bloomers" that I wouldn't mind keeping about a week more in flowering than the others. And I...
  19. youngblood

    Cheese strain topping. Any intel on that?

    Does anyone know if the cannabis "Cheese" strain responds well to topping? Has anyone of you ever tried topping with this plant? And if so, do you have any pics I could take a look at? Thanks a lot! :-P :leaf:
  20. youngblood


    Does darkness play a key role in the bud drying procedure or could the buds be hung out to dry almost just as well in a well ventilated but not so dark room? I'm asking this because I don't know if chlorophyll can "exit" the bud without total darkness. Thanks to all that share their opinions :)...