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  1. R

    Anyone Got Any Pictures Of Reggie Or Some Low Middy's Plants?

    It doesn't even matter, as long as you take care of the plant better than the last person it's going to be fire. I'm from Texas, we have everything, I planted a seed of some arizona "corn" last year and it turned into one of the prettiest little bitches I've grown. The high was great too
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    Texas Growers Unite!

    Smoked some greencrack this weekend. The taste was amazing, the high wasn't so appealing, kinda weak
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    Flashback: Stories of your parents busting you

    Remember back in highschool, when you first started tokin up, poppin pills whatever you're into, let's hear your stories of the parents busting you and your friends (: When I was in highschool I got my license the day of my 16th birthday, this making getting caught "directly" pretty hard. So...
  4. R

    Does taking acid or shrooms make weed seem boring

    I can never roll a j or blunt on acid or shrooms. My fingers always turn into weed plants and fuck everything up :(
  5. R

    Is this plant stretching?

    Alright, thanks. I'm still Learning the ropes.
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    Is this plant stretching?

    This is my first outdoor plant, I've been watering it with generic plant nutes. Just wondering if you guys think it's stretching, and I'd like any opinions on how it looks. It's about 3 weeks old (got off to a slow start) but now it's doing great.
  7. R

    Is this plant stretching?

    This is my first outdoor plant, I've been watering it with generic plant nutes. Just wondering if you guys think it's stretching, and I'd like any opinions on how it looks. It's about 3 weeks old (got off to a slow start) but now it's doing great.
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    need opinions on a mush I found in a field.

    how can you expect someone to accurately identify your mushroom without a picture?Thats not very smart man
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    When & How do I "pinch" my outdoor plant?

    Well when I lst'd it wad young so the stem wasn't bad. But after I lst'd I could tell the next day It was strengthening the stem. The plant is like diagnal / and now it's cuving toward the like a v turned to the side lol. I can't take any pictures right now
  10. R

    When & How do I "pinch" my outdoor plant?

    Is just letting it go naturally the best bet, cuz I have a few small plants outside, I've lst'd one and it looks very nice although it's small, Texas weather sucks At the moment
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    need help with white fuzzy bugs

    You could buy some lady bugs for your girls; or you can had a little soap and alot of water in a spray bottle and spray your plants, this will kill them
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    Rip pimp c I'm takin dope to tha brain! And rip dj screw. Shout out Michael watts and swisha house, cuu!
  13. R

    best weed documentary

    The union on Netflix. By far the best marijuana documentary I've ever seen. If you're trying to convince someone marijuana isn't bad, sit them down and roll the union.
  14. R

    Best strain for pc grow box?

    Thanks, I was looking at lowryder. I may buy it, how's the smoke?
  15. R

    Best strain for pc grow box?

    My pc grow box is now complete and I'm on my final step, Picking the seed. I'm looking for something that: -doesn't grow big -decent yield -fastish flowering time. Thanks in advance, links would be very appreciated
  16. R

    Arjan's Haze #3 - 1st CFL grow

    Nice grow man, adderall? Rich mans drug? Lmao I have 60mg prescribed to me, no one buys adderall, nor do I know many people that take it for no reason. Personally I hate it, but still take it for studying and tests.
  17. R

    HELP!!! my first grow.

    you wont even notice a raise on your electric bill.
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    Hps in growbox question

    Idk if I have enough room for a hps. I don't wanna overheat my growin area lol