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  1. P

    White rhino plants need help asap!!!

    Whats your air flow like, even with vents in tent you will probably need an fan sucking air in, out. Cheap bathroom fans from electrical shop do the job
  2. P

    DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange

    you can also do a butane extraction done this for first time two days ago out of an ounce of good trimings got a big spoon of sticky goodness ( its better than the buds ). only takes about an hour from start to finish. good luck
  3. P

    little buds at bottom

    thanks for all the help
  4. P

    purple strains

    Wanted to add a bit of colour to my life any suggestions of different colour strains . Any advice would be appreciated.
  5. P

    different colour strains

    I'm thinking of growing a few purple strains any suggestions
  6. P

    little buds at bottom

    sorry should have said plant is ready to harvest and probablly should have choped the bottom ones earlyer in the game and was just wondering should i harvest the lot or do it in two stages and let the bottom ones come on
  7. P

    The Best Bud Ever

    best stuff ive ever smoked was some honey oil in the dam can't tell you what bud it came from but i was in happy land for about 4 hours, 95% thc and it can be made from bud or trimings
  8. P

    little buds at bottom

    Hi all, first time growing done everything by the book, have really big buds on top and very small on bottom ( due to lack of light I'm guessing). if i chop all the top buds will this let light down to the bottom ones and develop them more or just stress the plant out. Ive also heard adding...
  9. P

    What.....The...Fuck. he's only helping the wounded, shoot him

    working class killing working class for the profit of a few, do you know how many people died in the twin towers compared to how many civilians have died in your "war on Terror" if it was really a war on terror you shouldn't have to leave home because there are people being terrorised all over...
  10. P

    Help Experienced grower needed!! Please

    floresent bulbs are fine untill root are strong and save on electricaty, if you pinch out the new'st growth on the top of the clone's it send's the plants energy down to get strong root base and this should give you a much stronger plant in the end