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  1. M

    leaves r collecting water, like sweating

    that should be the leaves sweating on eachother. when one leaf is sitting on top of another (touching) under the light, it causes it to sweat you can say. i dont know how it will effect the harvest really, because you are under 24 hour light for now. when you switch over to 12/12 light, when...
  2. M

    General Hydroponics 3 part nutriens

    what does the lockout mean?
  3. M

    General Hydroponics 3 part nutriens

    and also, i dont go by that chart's ppm. by the time its my last mix, im at 1800-1900 ppm. yes my meter is calibrated. i dont have problems with chem burn.
  4. M

    General Hydroponics 3 part nutriens

    ^i do the same, except i do during veg 4-2-1 (grow, micro, bloom), and during bloom is 1-2-4 up until week 2, then i cut out grow and do 0-2-4. honestly its hard to mix all these nutes, atleast its hard for me, i mix (15) 50 gal res every week. so i figured a way to cheat the dam thing. call...
  5. M

    Turkey Bags and storing???

    i use turkey bags, but only when fully dried. when its still moist and you let it sit in the bags, theres a chance it starts to smell kinda like rot and a chance of mold. just keep in the dark and if it is still a little moist, fluff them around in the bag once or twice a day until it is not wet...
  6. M

    2 questions

    for the first question, i dont know, i usually end up smoking all or giving it away before i ever even have to stash =P for the 2nd question, yes pull dead or yellow leaves off. to me, i think they drain in and use up to much energy, more than they should be producing for your buddies. let your...
  7. M

    Help with GH Nute solution

    get a meter. i know it sucks whenever someone tells you to buy more stuff, but hey, harvest time comes and it will be worth it. i use GH. you probably read not to use it from other people, thats probably because they see better results using other nutes with different types of strains. im sure...
  8. M

    GH nute's

    yes get a meter. and also if you are using tap water, get the GH MICRO HARDWATER (one of the 3 part). it helps with the ph alot better compared to the regular micro, yes i tried both and yes the comparison is worth it and noticeable and both micro reg and hardwater are same price. i usually top...
  9. M

    Roots growing up

    i may be wrong so if anyone would like to correct me then do so, i think the roots grow upwards chasing the food, from being top fed early. are you top feeding the cubes? i get the same thing whenever i top feed the cubes for more than past the 10th day of veg. sometimes for my healthy ones...