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  1. K

    UFC 113, tonight!

    i coulda made money off of that shit
  2. K

    impress me for free glass

    lol thought it was pretty funny
  3. K

    UFC 113, tonight!

    _main card_ shogun wins decision koscheck knocks out daley kimbo tko or decision patrick cote sam stout the only guy i like on the prelim is marcus davis and he'll prob tko goulet
  4. K


    hah no shit right. a week after court i was playing football and hit an off-duty cop's car and he bitched about it and took me to court and add another $250 to that
  5. K


    convicted lol. about $1200 in fines, rehab, community service, no license for a year all that dumb shit
  6. K

    When Will USA Fall?

    anyone know what u have to go through to move to a different country?
  7. K


    i went to court in late april and got charged but what im saying is, is there any way to appeal it ? when i was 17 i got busted with alcohol and a pipe that had resin in it. i got a paraphanelia charge then, but then i had a lawyer also.
  8. K

    When Will USA Fall?

    think about this. the old politics of today are the young people of the past who despised ANY drug. the politics of the future (us) will have known what its like and will move to change laws on that. the politics of the future of other countries (our age group) will have grown to hate...
  9. K


    how is that bullshit.. it happened whether u want to believe it or not.
  10. K


    the guy with me had a 40 oz. but he's 21. then said i was swerving witch i wasnt. then said the reason he stopped me was because of my busted bumper.. the funny thing was is when i was doing my abc's i stated "ABC 123 OOPS I MEAN DEFG" and he didnt say shit. the legal limit in the states...
  11. K

    When Will USA Fall?

    i bet the black ppl in america are like "why da fuck did i vote for obama" i see what he meant by change now... we will be scraping for change to get our asses out of debt. we will never get out of debt in our lifetime. the only true miracle i can see happening to get us out of debt would...
  12. K


    ?? what happened to this ? the first time i get busted and have an empty pipe on me, its a misdemeanor para. charge. the first time i get busted after turning 18 years old, its a misdemeanor possession charge? whats with this shit ? had been drinking a little. well long story short, i get...
  13. K

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    i've done this shit once or twice. its pretty much the same as smoking a blunt. i think they have a name for it.. its called a spliff. not sure, i can be mistaken if you dont want it to burn... put ur thumb over the bowl. or if u are in the stone ages like me, use the metal pipes with the...
  14. K

    Lowryder 2 first outdoor grow

    autoflower strains are new to me but i'd say u treat them as any other mj plant. do the paper towel or cup method and u can't go wrong. i'd say to put them where u want them to stay for the remainder of their life to avoid shock but other people will tell you different. they can grow in sum...
  15. K

    need help asap

    bout to leave to go buy some of these lights and wanted a second opinion before i go. using on 1 plant then putting outside at about a mo old
  16. K

    will these lights work ?

    i see. is natural sunlight the best for growing, or do these plants grow better, faster, stronger with the bulbs u mentioned. can someone list the pros/cons of using sunlight for me please?
  17. K

    will these lights work ?

    found some 75w full spectrum bulbs around the house and i'm wondering if they'll work. its a farcry but itd be nice lol
  18. K

    Help flushing!!!

    to help with the gnat problem or watever bug it is, i usually set a cup of water beside my plants. the next morning its filled with drowned gnats and other shit that live around the area. dont know if this is good or not for u but it works for me
  19. K

    all this talk about BAGSEED

    lmao and dude expects us to believe he knows what hes talkin about... if theres one or 2 seeds in a LB and he gets told to get the fuck out, then the dumbass is goin broke while u still have a LB of some dank. thatd be dumb as shit becuz i bet da next one that some1 brings him is seedier...
  20. K

    Totally new to this! First grow: Journal

    that is 1 ghetto ass setup. i like it lol