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  1. S

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Cheers going to give them around 36hours of darkness then chop chop :)
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Here are close ups of the bagseed plant
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These are the most mature and had 3 weeks veg and have been under 12/12 for 72days(9weeks ;P) I'm think they may be close but not sure as this is my first grow. So guys are they ready? Strain is church on the right and the close up shots are all of the church, the other is from some bagseed...
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    I doubt I'll ever grow bagseed again, out of 7 seeds I had 5 males and a mostly male hermaphrodite, I had another 3 fem seeds started weeks later, so I had 3 17day old plants and an 8 week old lone female from the bagseed going to 12/12. Its 2 weeks since 12 12 and the small plants haven't grown...
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    I'm going to kill my plant, first grow I thinks it's male

    Cheer for the quick replies, since I have my camera working now I'll get pics of them all and let you guys decide the fate of my crop, it waslooking so much better last week
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    I'm going to kill my plant, first grow I thinks it's male

    I really want to be sure before I kick the crap out of the plant I've cared for since it germiated from bagseed, I called it mary jane but I'm fairly sure it's a john doe, never sexed plants before so I'm looking for confirmation before I destroy it, it would be nice if I was wrong but I don't...
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    What to do, I have hermies gasp!

    I have been vegging 4 plants for 5 weeks annd 5 others for 2weeks. The 4 I have been vegging for 5 weeks are hermies :( thing is two of the 5 smaller plants are from feminised seeds from a seedbank whereas the hermies and 3 ofthe 5 smaller plants come from bagseed. Should I grow out the whole...
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    I think I have a male ;/ first time grower.

    Ok Ihave four plants 5 weeks old vegetative 20 hours, 400watt hps. They just started to show sex today all of them at exactkly the same time which I thought was odd but heh anyway I believe 3 of them to be female with one male. The tall one in the right foreground. Its a good six inches taller...
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    First grow, limited headroom, suld I top?

    I have 6.5 feet from floor to ceiling, with lamp and restrictions I have about 4.5 feet of plant to work with. tallest is current about 1.5 feet tall. Should I top the taller plants to restrict how tall they grow asI have limited room? I',m planning to veg in 10days so should I top now? pics...
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    First grow, 400watt hps, old fridge with pics (25days)

    I was researching it but I'm not too sure how advantagous it would be, I was thinking of tying the apical buds over 1 week before flowering(9thmay)(heard one week beforeflowering is a good time to top) This would allow the smaller plants, which I will have raised to appropriate height for...
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    First grow, 400watt hps, old fridge with pics (25days)

    I have 4 plants of the same age and 4 more 2.5 to3 weeks younger. I set up the growing room out of an old meat locker. I have one oscillating fan in conjuntion with one 100mm bathroom extractor fan keeping a 78degree avg. For lightingI'm using a 400watt hps on 20/4, its a soil grow with...
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    I need help wiring bathroom fan

    Sorry what worked was connecting blue to black and brown to blue yippee now to mount the damned thing
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    I need help wiring bathroom fan

    Ok that worked excellent problem solved and it's even blowing the right way, another touch on my room :) thanks guys but it seems this time, at least, guess work and very little regard for personal safety prevailed
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    I need help wiring bathroom fan

    My problem is which wire do I connect where? I have the blue(neutral) and brown (live) wire hooked up to a plug but which wire do I connect the blue/brown wires to in the extractor itself? In the fan itself one of the wires is blue the other is black. So do I go blue to blue and brown to black...