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  1. blueberry1221

    question about leaf color

    thanks everyone for the quick responses glad its nothing to worry about was worried cause she has been doing so good so kind of waiting for the show to drop you know but seems like im doing everything well enough for now
  2. blueberry1221

    question about leaf color

    im kind of on a budget im using 3 100 watt cfl or 100 watt equivelent for now i think im going to add two more its my first grow so going through everything im working on my grow box 16 square foot and will have about 1200 watts of 2700 lumen cfls for veg through finish i would love to do hps...
  3. blueberry1221

    question about leaf color

    my plant just showed sex about 4 days ago and the very first fan leaves on the plant the single blade ones are urning yellow now i know that that is the first sign of nitrogen diffecience but i was wondering if thats pretty common durring the stages of flowering any input on this subject would...
  4. blueberry1221

    update on 12/12 from seed cfl grow

    i decided from looking around here that there was just too many myths about cfl's lighting etc etc now its not for everyone this is my first grow so its perfect for the noob i went with some bag seed, planted 11 of them they all came up alot faster then i was expecting then my washer ate 6 of...
  5. blueberry1221

    my first grow journal

    so i started this grow with 11 plants im down to one but shes a beauty lets walk through this journey in pictures folks bongsmilie:peace::roll::sleep::lol::bigjoint:
  6. blueberry1221

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    so the lobbyists take all manufacturing rights away wtf i grow a veggie garden every year i dont see the corn growers of america knocking down my door and saying dont do that if your growing for hobby you will still be able to grow except now legally and as far as people lossing there money...
  7. blueberry1221

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    this needs to be voted yes on bottom line we can not sit back and watch men and women young and old continue to do outrageously long jail terms for smoking or growing a plant bills are ammended all the time if we kill this bill we kill legelazation for a generation economic reasons are not a...
  8. blueberry1221

    Why Legalization should be Stopped! (wait, hear me out!)

    Never in my whole life did i think i would ever hear someone who smokes and grows weed say vote no on legalization. so you can still make a profit off it. so you think the independent grower for profit will die out? let me ask you this what about the vineyards, you can get a bottle of cheap...
  9. blueberry1221

    need a little help determing sex

    its defintly not a ph problem with the stem the soil has been a 6.5 since the seed was put in it i always test the water and the soil weekly and i was just wondering about gender since its been in a 12/12 for a week and a half and nothing showing yet looked at it today before 12/12 night cycle...
  10. blueberry1221

    fertilizer question

    Just got back from the store and i saw these fertilizer sticks there about 3 inches long fairly thin there 13-4-5 my plant is in the first stages of flowering light cycle 12/12 about a week and 3 days i have added no nutrients to this point and was wondering if anybody had ever tried these you...
  11. blueberry1221

    looking for input on first grow

    :weed:my first grow is going great so far been going on for about 4 weeks from seed to now just using some bag seed just trying to get a feel for it i posted some pics for you guys to look at and give me your feed back i went a week of 24/0 veg after she (hopefully) emerged now i have been in...
  12. blueberry1221

    need a little help determing sex

    so this is after almost 2 weeks of 12/12 im thinking its to early but this is my first grow i know what to look for both male and female but im not seeing either so probley inconclusive but was wondering if some more experienced growers would know or if i just need to be a little more patient...
  13. blueberry1221

    my first full grow

    ok thanks alot for the tips ill drop my lights an inch closer when they go back in there light cycle tommarow
  14. blueberry1221

    my first full grow

    thanks for the tip i had a couple questions to since i have started flowering should i not top the plant i was thinking about doing it in another 2 to 4 inches ? i was also trying to get it to stretch a little bit thats why i had them 2 to 3 inches away
  15. blueberry1221

    my first full grow

    ITS 23 days from start of germination to now should of stated that so actual growth is only 15 to 18 days
  16. blueberry1221

    first grow

    This is my first full grow thinking all is going well posted a picture just wondering how she looked to some experienced growers using 2 26 w cfls keeping them 2 to 3 inches away this pic is at 24 days total flowering for 11 days 12/12 :eyesmoke: its a she no males around etc etc no nuits all...
  17. blueberry1221

    my first full grow

    This is my first full grow i have attempted some in the past but was never stable enough to keep it going the pictures were taken today at 23 days worth of growth i have kicked it in to flowering just for thr first quick learning experience was just wondering how she looked to some experienced...