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  1. 420sk8er

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    about how long (time wise) do you let the buds hang?
  2. 420sk8er

    hey hows it going?

    Yo whats up, names Adam Blaze and im 23 years old. Just started growing have myself 4 beautiful girls. (strawberry cough) and theyre lookin great. I love everything about Canabis. I have a few questions if anyone can help like: *A Quick and easy way to make Hash *If you can make hash...
  3. 420sk8er

    I need help

    Oh dude thanks a lot! That helps a hell of a lot ha
  4. 420sk8er

    I need help

    Hey there! names Adam and i am a first time grower of four beautiful girls and am in need of some advice. lol :weed: My plants are just starting to show signs of buds and i was just wondering if someone could give me a step by step on how to properly harvest my plants and get the budz ready to...