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  1. drogrowin

    total newb needs help

    you got that bro? do it up! u could put a lot more if u shorten the veg time~!
  2. drogrowin

    clones to 6inch rockwool cubes watering problem?

    yes transplant them, well what size cubes are they in now? the bluish is weird... sounds like maybe to much nutes or you got some bad ass shit! lol yes 1/4 strngth for the first week... do u have a PPM meter? if not get one... start them at 400PPM and then upp it 100PPM every weeek...
  3. drogrowin

    Name that deficeny? PICtures **** Holes in my leaves?

    i put cal/mag in my res..... maybe its zinc.... i dunno shit... they are starting to look better but not really.... :(
  4. drogrowin

    Can Algae in ebb and flow hurt my plants?

    And i jsut buy it at my hydro store? never seen it... i will have to ask, but i know what your talking about. THats what i have covering my cube tops now. Thanks blazin homer dude
  5. drogrowin

    Blue cheese first tent grow with pics HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dude look at your soil.... Water those baby girls! And yes givbing them 48 hours of complete darkness before inducing flowering is a great idea and a fool proof way to insure they have begun flowering. good luck... and never let your pots dry up that much, u will kill your roots!
  6. drogrowin

    Traveling to mexico with Bud - fool proof

    dont do it! just try and find some stress when u get there.... ask around... u will be fine, well depends on what part of Mexi
  7. drogrowin

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    hahhaahah holly shit! that fire face one is awesome! what a dumass
  8. drogrowin

    Name that deficeny? PICtures **** Holes in my leaves?

    anyone? i will post some new pix soon...
  9. drogrowin

    Can Algae in ebb and flow hurt my plants?

    Thanks everyone you have helped so much! And yes i have no canopy coverage now... all my babies are still clones... 2nd week of veg, first week was delayed to my tent was cold .... What is panda film? I have these white plastic covers that i have on all of my cubes now.... but nothing to...
  10. drogrowin

    total newb needs help

    Put more plants in it!!!! like 16 would fit nicelY!!!!
  11. drogrowin

    Name that deficeny? PICtures **** Holes in my leaves?

    or maybe salt toxic build up? these are clones on the 2nd week of veg. Roots are booming just now... had a problem with the cold weather in my tent but now I raised the temperature and i see growth.... only problem is.... My tangerine Kush has these weird copper colored spots , yellowing leaves...
  12. drogrowin

    Can Algae in ebb and flow hurt my plants?

    I have heard that it might clog my rockwool cubes???
  13. drogrowin

    Can Algae in ebb and flow hurt my plants?

    Yah thats where it is.. not in my res but on the trey in the standing water.... any other comments? BUMP! and thatnks captain!
  14. drogrowin

    Noob nute feeding much for 1 plant

    DONT USE ANY NUTES! Foxfarm soil will be just fine for the first 3-4 weeks, just add water. CLONES AND SEEDS DONT LIKE NUTES! BE CAREFUL! but learning the hard way isnt always bad. Good luck my friend.
  15. drogrowin

    Can Algae in ebb and flow hurt my plants?

    Can Algae in ebb and flow hurt my plants? I have it growing in my table. Not sure if I am supposed to clean it out or just leave it??? Its green algae btw. Any help? thanks -drogrowin
  16. drogrowin

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Yeah i dont like this new layout!!! BOOOO ROLLITUP!
  17. drogrowin

    Please help me Diagnose my Plant Problem

    I have the same problem. ( my leaves look like yours) I think your light is to intense or too close. I check my PH daily and i keep it right at 5.9 (Ebb in flow hydro) so I dont think it is your Ph. but u should fix your Ph!!!! And for a cal/mag def i dont think so cause I use calmag and i...
  18. drogrowin

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Is this light stress or nute problem? thanks this is an ebb and flow system.... with clones in a 6x6 rockwool.... I have never grown in rockwool before.... HELPPPPP my babies please....
  19. drogrowin

    clones to 6inch rockwool cubes watering problem?

    Hello all, I just started a 4x4 ebb and flow 40 gal res system with a 600 W super HPS air cooled in a 4.5x4.5x7 grow tent. I recently purchased 16 hybrid (Indaca Dom, all kushs) clones from a pharmacy. I transplanted them in my 6 inch rockwool and flood 3 times a day like my local...
  20. drogrowin

    new growth problems

    maybe a nute deficency... check your PPMs