Search results

  1. G

    Anybody have any experience with-"fucking incredible", "gspot", and "the black"

    Wow, that is good info. 3 out of the 10 G-SPOTS came out deformed. They had really thin leaves like they wanted to grow but wouldn't open up. I thought I had messed up some how since this is my first grow. I took them out of the garden 2 days ago and just put them outside. The others are growing...
  2. G

    What's uuuuuuuuuup

    What's up everyone? My name is G. I'm new to this forum and the industry. I hope I can get some great ideas on how to grow really good sh*t and a lot of it :) from this forum. I am an OIF Vet and found that medical marijuana helps me deal with life alot better then shoving pills everyday. I...