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    Seed order

    hi all i live is Australia was just wondering where i would buy seeds from anyone here from Aussie thats had success??? or anyone know a good seed bank that deliver to Aussie thanks AcidClown
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    Hps/mh question

    ok thanks for the help ill leave them as they are just hps's thanks again acidclown
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    Hps/mh question

    hi all i got 2 hps 150 watt lights in my flowering room at the moment would it be best to run both hps or 1 hps and 1 mh any help on this would be great thanks acidclown
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    seeded female help

    cheers thanks for that ill germ a few see how they go thanks acidclown
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    seeded female help

    bump anything?????
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    seeded female help

    BUMP any help would be greatful thanks acidclown
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    seeded female help

    hi all in my grow room i had 3 females and one went Hermie and i wasn't able to get it out before it released its pollen now my other female plant has a few seeds in it like around 40 seeds on the hole plant it is 2 weeks from harvest(approx) just wondering will the seeds from this female be...
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    hi very interested in seeing the outcome here please keep us informed (with pics) also what grafting technique you going to use??? thanks acidclown
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    Salvia Question

    i tryed nutmeg before it works real well but made me feel sick for 2 days afterwoods so will any cacti do or is there only certain kinds that are good? thanks acidclown
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    banana peels

    hi all just curious on everyones view on banana peels (bananadine) if you have tryed it did it or did it not work for you and what type of high did i get from it? just curious because i have been reading up a fair bit about it and alot of people say it doesn't work however it did work for me t...
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    Salvia Question

    thanks for all the info guys this will give me something to do for a few weeks to come lol thanks again acidclown
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    Salvia Question

    what sort of cacti is the good shit and what can u make with it samew with fungi thanks acidclown
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    hi all ive read and googled lots of stuff bout salvia the only possible way to od on it is if u have the extract higher than 50x and u eat to much of it but through a bong pipe or blunt its impossible to od on it cause u trip out and cant pull another till u cum down a bit where as if u eat it u...
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    Salvia Question

    yes its illegal here as a plant or leaf form but we can ship in seeds and not get into trouble but cant find anywhere online that has them and accepts paypal or bank deposit as payment they only seem to accept credit cards wich is no good to me i'll keep looking i imagine i will find a supplier...
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    Salvia Question

    i have tryed these they said they can get me some other kind of savia but not the div one so i am figureing it wouldnt work ive googled it a fair bit seems to have to be the div one they said once they get the seeds back in they will let me know acidclown
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    Synthesizing/Making Question

    ok sweet thanks ill get googling im pretty sure i can get that plant from my local botanical garden tobacco is illegal to grow here yet they sell the seeds lol they sell seeds for every plant they grow there ill give them ago thanks again and does anyone have any others i can make etc... thanks...
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    Salvia Question

    hmmm i didnt think about that (germinating them) it's not illegal here to have the seeds sent in but it is illegal to have the leaf/extract sent in and i cant find anywhere online selling seeds was hoping someone here grew it and could get ahold of seeds thanks acidclown
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    Synthesizing/Making Question

    can u help me atall with making it as in what i need and do etc... or should i just google it does anyone know any others thanks acidclown
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    Synthesizing/Making Question

    hi all just wondering is there any home made drugs that u know of? or how to make some drugs cant grow shrooms cause i cant find any here in aussie im sure they would be out the bush somewhere tho just had no luck finding them i have grown weed and done the banana skins thing was just wondering...
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    Salvia Question

    hi all here in aussie we cant get no salvia due to it bein illegal and all yet dying to try it just wondering would anyone send a few seeds of salvia just in a regular envelope so i can grow some to try was just figureing because it is christmas could just write a dodgy christmas card and sticky...