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  1. G

    leaves ridges are curling downward?

    my two healthy sativas have a couple leaves where the horizontal sides or (ridges) are folding downward. anyone know what that signifies?
  2. G

    yellow discoloration and spots!!

    O kay so ive been growing two willy nelson clones sativas for about a month or so. They are both around 25 inches tall. they are under 6 100 watt cfl's and the average temp inside the grow box is around 75 degrees. they are recieving about 17 hours of light and are about 6 inches away from the...
  3. G

    top leaves drooping later in the day means???

    I have two Willy Nelson clones that are about a month or so old. They a growing incredibly great and during the day the leaves perk up and look amazing. They could not look any healthier. But I started noticing that later in the day the top leaves droop but perk back up the next day, it happens...
  4. G

    i think i got bugs.. i need help!!

    ive had a plant for two months or so and everythings been fine. now my leaves are gettin these slightly faded white spots. so i thought it wats spider mites cause i kept seeing these super tiny dots (mites) on the leaves. so i went to the store and bought some insecticidal soap that you spray on...
  5. G

    Welcome to earth little girl :D

    welcome to earth. now grow big!! hahaha
  6. G


    how do you tell if you have mites in your soil or on your plants?????????????!!!
  7. G

    downward curling leaves??

    my plant is curling its leaves down. any solutions??? had it since april 7. its a little warm inside, idk how to counteract the heat without putting in another exhaust fan.i give nutes every two weeks so that cant be the problem. i water in the morning too. im not sure if its from over orunder...
  8. G

    i need help!!

    my plant is two months old ish and indoors in a grow box i have. the leaves are curling with what looks like no effect on the plant. it doesnt seem to be hurting it, they just curl. im assuming heat stress cause the box is pretty warm, but there is no way for me to change the temperature. is...
  9. G

    white splotches means what?!

    i did find a little tiny bug a while back on one of the leaves!! i just smashed it. how do i get rid of them???
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    white splotches means what?!

    the bottom of the leaf is fine. i do water throughout the day. maby i should just give it a lot of water once in the mornong
  11. G

    white splotches means what?!

    how do i fix that?
  12. G

    white splotches means what?!

    im hardly giving them nutes at all cause i dont wanna burn them. and no peroxide.
  13. G

    white splotches means what?!

    i have had an indoor plant since april 7 and everything has been good so far, but now some of the leaves are getting little white/clear splotches, it kinda looks like chlorine but not. i have no idea what this indicates. does anyone know??? i know the lighting is bad but the splotches are...
  14. G

    curling leaves means??

    ive had two indoor plants since april 7 and they look like they are doing great. the only issue im having is that a few of the leaves are curling. they are still perfectly green. and on one plant the very bottom leaf has two tiny brown spots, this means ?? and i just put them on 12 12. nutes...
  15. G

    how long to bud??

    yep. i have four. they all started at the same time. two are a foot ish tall and the other two are around 6 or so inches
  16. G

    how long to bud??

    yes this is an indoor grow. usually 15 hrs on 9 off. im switching to 12 12 tomorrow
  17. G

    how long to bud??

    i've been growing two plants for approximately 6 weeks and they are each about a foot tall, how long does it usuallt take for a plant to start the flowering stage?? they are starting to grow little string like hairs at the top too, does that mean they've already started?? i havent a clue..
  18. G

    smell problem! please help

    have a major problem. i've been growing these plants in a wood box in my room for the past few weeks. I have one exhaust fan that is built in in the back of the box to supply the plants with fresh air and a hole for the air intake since i was unable to get another fan. the fan hardly does much...
  19. G

    Smell alert!!!

    what i dont know how to do is hook up a fan to an outlet. they are all AC current and not DC so i've had to hook the fans to a Ac to DC converter. which only transferes out to 6 volts cause it has a block on it. and the 6 volts bearly runs the fan. that is my real problem, i cant find a quiet...
  20. G

    Smell alert!!!

    your right. i just didn't even think the seeds would take since i was told they were shitty, so i didnt think i woul even make it this far.