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  1. S

    odd LEO behavior?

    Confused. :)
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    odd LEO behavior?

    His neighborhood is pretty decent, suburb/country'ish; I suspect they are not around that often, especially with this kind of close-proximity. Do you think they'd to a K9 walk up and down the sidewalks? With such a small stealth op, I wonder if they'd even detect anything. He does smoke...
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    odd LEO behavior?

    A pair of LEOS were tooling around my friends neighborhood for a good portion of the day a couple days ago. He's got a very small stealth op in his home; and very nervous because of this. At one point they were parked right in front of his home, this is when I got the panic call from him. I...
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    [pic] No resin production after a month?

    So my mate's trying his luck with a single plant grow and he's scared of the net. He's got a question about his lady that I cannot answer :( Why would there not be any resin production after a month of 12/12. Definitely female, growing well too for his first time. showed sex after 8 days...
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    put yoru 4' lights like the 18" one is, horizontal and 2-4" away from the tops of the leaves.
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    Pots too large?

    Hello all, If one were to take a 3" pot and transplant it into a 4gal, you'd assume that the watering frequency would be dramatically reduced, yes? Of course over time as a plant grows larger, watering frequency would slowly increase. My question is, having smaller plant in a large pot will...
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    Drooping plants in need of help

    id say overwatered 2.0 style bro.
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    Not sure, overwatered?

    Watered all four with 6.2 pH and 1/2 dose of 8-7-6 ll purpose liquid feed. Will update in a couple days. Time for some CS!
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    Not sure, overwatered?

    I'll flush em tonight, can i use vinegar to reduce the pH? I do have a pH pen, but no pH down. What's the best course of action?
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    Not sure, overwatered?

    My very small grow: This is by far the worst of the lot. Just transplanted 3 days ago. I'm guessing overwater or pH problem? pH of the runoff is 7.4-7.5 Growth has pretty much come to a halt since the transplant, as expected. The bottom leaf's tips on a couple plants are BRIGHT yellow...
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    monitor temperature - kill power if overheating

    Ace - Ace Tree: Heating & Cooling: Thermostats & Registers: Thermostats: Lux Products® Programmable Thermostat (WIN100) considering this for peace of mind, at least, b/c I'm paranoid about being safe.
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    monitor temperature - kill power if overheating

    Preventing fire is the only reason. 400w hps in a 32"x32"x4' box. light is vented, box too. Should a fan die, I don't need the fire department coming to my house. So I decided to research a thermal cutoff if you will, for safety's sake. And to protect the babies too i suppose but the #1...
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    monitor temperature - kill power if overheating

    I'm thinking about ravaging a space heater, some have adjustable thermal shut offs which I could easily integrate. It seems this may be cheaper in the end. If anyone has any cost effective ways that are better, I'm all ears.
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    monitor temperature - kill power if overheating

    Is there a device out there that can monitor ambient room temperature and kill power on a 110-120v ac circuit if a certain temp is reached? I'd assume some sort of temp sensor and relay is involved. Thanks for any insight.
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    Wisconsin is fagadocious. SIGH
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    We need 100,000 signatures!

    I'm new to this site and drunk to boot so i'll do my best to word my post carefully. Prohibition of alcohol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia read it Weed used to be legal, so did alcohol. Hell, so did cocaine and a lot of other controlled substances. Alcohol is the only intoxicating...
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    400 watt HPS HID "Shop Lights"

    they're configurable for 120 but currently at 240, no big deal there tho; switch a couple wires and game on! I'll likely mod them by cutting a vent hole and rigging a dryer air duct to it and draw the hot air out of the reflector/ballast and out of the room via a 6" fan or something close to...
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    400 watt HPS HID "Shop Lights"

    Thanks folks.
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    400 watt HPS HID "Shop Lights"

    Is it stupid to try and use a 400 watt hps hanging style shop light. Obviously new bulbs would likely be in order? :peace: