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  1. R


    how much do you think i should water them in mL?
  2. R


    not good ones but this is the best can do
  3. R


    I've recently noticed I had been overwatering so I stopped watering until the symptoms left. Now they look healthier and are not drooping but now I'm wondering if I should water if they look fine without it. I haven't watered in 10 days... Is this weird? I have 3 gal smart pots using coco...
  4. R

    Questions about flowering.

    Well watering has been messed up. The roots haven't been soaking up the water well. It's been taking 5-7 days before the medium is dry again. I've been watering 6 3gal pots with 4 gallons and I'm starting to think that's too much. Advice?
  5. R

    Questions about flowering.

    Should I let my coco medium dry completely before I switch to 12/12?