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    Help Choosing Flowering Lights

    Hello, I have an 8'8'8' enclosed room in my garage, I need to know what to do for my set up. Currently, I have 22 Plants I also have 3 Clones in my 9 site cloner, and a 5 Site Hydro System that isn't even set up yet because I don't know how much water to put or what nutes XD. Anyways I have...
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    Mistic Cloner? anyone use this? thanks, izzy
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    EZ- Cloner 60

    How do I build my own? I haven't seen one as effective as the EZ cloner
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    EZ- Cloner 60

    Hello, I'm buying an e-z cloner and don't what to add to the water to make it good. I heard either clonex solution or gel, but i don't know how much or which one to add. Do i need anything else? Thanks, Izzy
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    What if I want a mumbo jumb? A freakin huge tree, what would you do
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    Should I Vege Inside or Out?

    Can they sleep for 7/8? Hours that is
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    Should I Vege Inside or Out?

    All of them? White widow, strawberry blue, purple haze, super silver haze and p91 as well?
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    Should I Vege Inside or Out?

    Is 18/6 inside or approx 12/12 outside better for veg
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    Should I Vege Inside or Out?

    I'm in SoCal, Where should I Vege: Inside or out?
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    using smartpots

    yes, i'm using them now and they help the roots breath better:
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    i know what you mean
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    How often do know when to water any of plants (indoor/outdoor?) I have a moisture meter. Does nute/water/water/nute, etc work during flowering?
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    Ok, what ppms should I be at for nutes now? I'm at 960 ish, and 6.8 ph. Also should I transplant to bigger pots soon and keep vegging?
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    3 hours before light turns back on? And where should I put bat guano/how much in their current 5 in vege pots, and then in their 10 in pots after vege
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    Bought bat guano (nitrogen) and will mist in dark :) thank you!
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    Would This Work: Outside Hydro?
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    Would This Work: Outside Hydro?

    what if I kept the reservoir inside?
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    Would This Work: Outside Hydro? or Anything else from this site? I wanna do an outside Bubble/Hydro System
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    First Set Up, PERFECT Space, Need Recommendations On Equipment

    New Assorted Pictures, What do these mean?
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    32 Gal Trash Can Outdoor Grow?

    New Set Up: Better Than Solid Plastic, Smart Garden