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  1. Pax

    Ladies... or gentlemen?

    Pictures 2 and 4, Im 99% sure are male... Someone may want to double check me. Picture 4 is a definite though, those cluster of balls are a sure giveaway
  2. Pax

    Training Methods?

    LST (Low Stress Training) is where you tie the top down. Then after it grows a little bit you tie it down again. ^^^ easier than trying to explain Great thing about LST is there is no recovery time, such as with...
  3. Pax

    Weights and Cost in your area

    And Seattle has some great budanky dank. Bellingham is a couple hours north but I can get killer weed for $10 a gram up there
  4. Pax

    Paxs' First Grow. 150w Cabinet

    I re-potted them today into one gallon pots. I used some erthgro soil. Its nutrientless & organic. I added some vermeculite & perlite to it. They already seem to love it. Ill post pics later tonight.
  5. Pax

    are male plants good or bad

    If you have somewhere to keep them they are great for practice. You can abuse them and practice topping and such on them. They are pretty useless for anything else though, unless you are trying to breed seeds.
  6. Pax

    One Week Plants. Input Please!!!!

    you could put the light on its side... It is a spot light. I agree that you should put them outside, If possible, till you get a setup.
  7. Pax

    One Week Plants. Input Please!!!!

    What are your plans for lighting when they get larger?
  8. Pax

    Paxs' First Grow. 150w Cabinet

    They are now 2 1/2 weeks old. I started LST yesterday. Everything seems to be going ok. I've had a few little problems, but everything is working out. They are still in the cabinet, they look better for pictures in the sun though Pics 1-2 are Vesper, Pics 3-4 are Belle
  9. Pax

    how do i grow shrooms? how do i make acid? and ye :D

    I never said it was simple, so don't say that. I just think people make it out to be MUCH harder than it really is. Look at DMT. DMT is a relatively easy compound to extract, that takes close to no knowledge of chemistry. Yet there are extremely few suppliers.
  10. Pax

    how do i grow shrooms? how do i make acid? and ye :D

    I don't exactly agree. You definitely don't need a lab, I mean you cant do it with pots and pans, But some pretty basic chem. glassware and pyrex. You do definitely need a understanding of chemistry though. couple college courses. Why does everyone think that LSD is so hard to synthesize. Like...
  11. Pax

    how do i grow shrooms? how do i make acid? and ye :D

    Ergot is not hard to get.. You just have to know where to look and live in the right places. As far as actually producing LSD Practical LSD Manufacture by Uncle Fester. Great book and a wealth of knowledge
  12. Pax

    how do i make extacy!

    After a little searching here the book is Again I don't condone manufacturing Illicit substances But one day someone shared the book with me. So now I share it with you P.S. Before you try making it, I do recommend learning to spell it
  13. Pax

    how do i make extacy!

    Find a book called Total Synthesis 2 by Strike. Easy to understand and very comprehensive. You should have some cheistry training though & I don't recommend the undertaking.
  14. Pax

    Salvia Divinorum- The most potent naturally-occuring substance

    I have used salvia on quite a few ocassions, The breakthrough can be amazing. I still prefer 5-MeO-DMT. Stay up for a couple days and then smoke some MeO, you'll go to some crazy places. I do a lot of hallucinogens and sleep deprivation mixed with MeO was almost too much for me.
  15. Pax

    Salvia Divinorum- The most potent naturally-occuring substance

    He is saying that the longer you smoke it the lower your tolerance goes. Not that you are building one up. Reverse Tolerance
  16. Pax

    Paxs' First Grow. 150w Cabinet

    Alright Thanks.. Ill wait a little bit longer then. Then little one with one leaf died last night. Not really sure why. Maybe it just decided to give up on life :)
  17. Pax

    PE and DMT!

    Beautiful..Really curious to see how much that DMT weighs out to be.
  18. Pax

    Flower Flipping?

    I've heard of a little more than 3/4 of those, Great list MDMA & LSD is called TimeTripping. That is something anyone who like psychoactives should try at least once
  19. Pax

    150w hps?

    I grow 2 under a 150 HPS and use a couple 23 CFLs to even out the color temp a little. They do great
  20. Pax

    Flower Flipping?

    glassblower is absolutely right. then there is the much less know flips like, twilight flip: mdma, shrooms, and a little lsd(not recommended for the casual experimenter), Gamma flip: GHB and mdma, Sugar flip: mdma and coke(a favorite), love flip: mescaline and mdma... there are quite a few others