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  1. [seriousdesert]

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    epic win man, nice going :) I started flowering my grow a while back and the outer edges of my leaves are turning pale green now, any ideas?
  2. [seriousdesert]

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    i'm looking forward to pics :) not been any more trouble from wildlife? I went to check on my only outdoor plant the other day, usually takes me a while to find it because it's pretty well camo'd but after about 10 mins of searching i got a bit worried. put my hand on a tree and looked down...
  3. [seriousdesert]

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    i recently started flowering and the edges of my leaves are turning pale green, any ideas?
  4. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case Grow + Stealth + Perpetual + 125w CFL (progressive start to end, real-time)

    sweet man, it's gonna be nice following this :)
  5. [seriousdesert]

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    well it would appear you know what you're doing, sounds bloody complicated to me xD Get some pics up man
  6. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case Grow + Stealth + Perpetual + 125w CFL (progressive start to end, real-time)

    well i've never used anything like that, i just use tap water and the suggested dosage on my babybio. I think it would be a lot more beneficial to have a digitial PPM and PH tester but i don't think it's a necessity. Yield size will probably be affected though.
  7. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    mmmm, didn't know you could get those :) any idea how long they last? seems like a much better idea than a fat home made carbon filter
  8. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    v12, any good ideas as to how i can stop light from entering or escaping through my fans whilst maintaining a good airflow? bearing in mind i have very limited space :)
  9. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case Grow + Stealth + Perpetual + 125w CFL (progressive start to end, real-time)

    guys, any ideas on a good method for keeping light from getting in and out through fans whilst keeping airflow?
  10. [seriousdesert]

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    in terms of pc grow cases, what's the most efficient way of covering intake and outake fans to stop light from entering/escaping whilst maintaining a high ariflow?
  11. [seriousdesert]

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    question guys, when you convert your cycle from veg to flower, how did you do it? a longer period of light or dark? my current cycle is from light from 5am - 11pm, and i want to change it to 10am-10pm
  12. [seriousdesert]

    These are the woods they will grow up in... svchop889 2010 outdoors:

    ahaha guys, you're talking about money laundering online. I don't mean to be a spoil sport but i don't think that's exactly the best of ideas :)
  13. [seriousdesert]

    First time growers, just started flowering recently? come on in :)

    i sat and read through this entire thread over about 6 hours total :) everything's looking awesome guys. Just a quick question, do you know if the flower period is shorter for smaller plants? I've got a PC case grow area and my plants are relatively small. It's my first time growing and i...
  14. [seriousdesert]

    Veg to Flower

    training is either low stress or high stess. Low stress is stuff like tying the plant down so that the lower fan leaves get more light High stress is Topping or Fimming. Topping is where you pinch/cut off the end of the plant (new developing node)
  15. [seriousdesert]

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    well if you're watering with 7.2 and it's coming out lower you don't want to be watering with a higher PH.
  16. [seriousdesert]

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    chain you can get ph up and ph down from hydroponics stores. (assuming you're using hydroponics) sorry for jacking you thread joker, figured i'd answer a few whilst you're not here :)
  17. [seriousdesert]

    If I don't know the answer I will find it for you.

    i think i recall leaves pointing upwards is a low humidity? Hopefully joker can confirm.
  18. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case Grow + Stealth + Perpetual + 125w CFL (progressive start to end, real-time)

    no worries dude. This is my case, not yet finished but take any inspiration you may want from it and if you have any feedback don't hesitate to comment :)
  19. [seriousdesert]

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    v12 man, approximately how long does it take for a plant to be harvested if you 12/12 it from seed?