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  1. M

    compact soil

    hi all, i filled a pot with soil an perlite and added a newly germed seed, now it's been playing on my mind that i may have compact the soil too much, should i leave it an see what happens or dig it all out an start again ? thanks
  2. M

    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    where the fuck did that come from? yer cock eyed fuck, is that you're idea of a sensible post, what if i was 12yrs old, are you somesort of internet kiddy perv? WATCH OUT FOLKS WE GOT A NONS HERE!!!!!!
  3. M

    Did I top it wrong?

    im restricted to head height so i topped my plant about the same age, took about a week to show new stems ( i got 2 colas ) but in that week she became so bushy from the sides out , it was unbelievable, i left her for another 2wks in veg then into the flower room, she's been in there 3 days. i'm...
  4. M

    Did I top it wrong?

    were you aiming for more kholas or stumping height when you topped it m8?
  5. M

    Extremely easy and cheap DIY outdoor/indoor feeder.

    i don't think i'll try it, but hey nice thread for diy enthusiasts +
  6. M

    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    thanks i'll put it next to yours when i get in
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    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    wow you date boyscouts? there's a name for freaks like you
  8. M

    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    spoken like a true politician, ask a simple question get a bullshit remark back!
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    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    wow 6ft? i go to amsterdam twice a year, and in the coffee shops they have small versions so you can check the bud you bought more closely, thc and all that, how much more detail do these 6ft ers give these PRO'S
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    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    Sorry for stepping in on your cat fight girls, but whats a 30x loupe, and is calyx a strain? ta
  11. M

    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    budsy malone YOUR'LL NEVER WALK ALONE, smoke on lad
  12. M

    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    a big THANKS to b.malone, i thought it may be because it's female but ive never seen it at 2wks of veg, just wish i could post pics to show ppl what i mean, thanks again
  13. M

    how many cfl's should i use for only six plants and what size?

    i have a closet grow of 4 plants, i use a 250w red spec cfl for flowering and having no probs, i wouldn't put any more than 4 under though. ( if it's any help)
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    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    SORRY people.. Im trying to put a few pics up but im working from a ps3 as my pc isn't working right now, just be patient with me. the stems on the fan leaves are turning red as well, is that a deficiency of some sort?
  15. M

    my 1st grow

    what kind lights you got on em m8?
  16. M

    Pollen for Sale?

    why mix with flour? jus curiosity !!
  17. M

    swelling after 3 weeks of veg? HELP

    hi there ive got a white widow here who's been in vegetation for about 3 weeks, ive grown it from from seed along with another 4, thimg is that this one has started swelling up at the lower nodes, ive known my ladies to do it once in flowering for about 10 - 14 days but never in veg or under...
  18. M

    can somone help me please?

    watch out for that heat as well pall, can't be healthy in such high temps. i usually run my temperature between 82 - 86º i believe anything over 90º will stress and kill
  19. M

    Everything d.i.y.

    hey i've been looking into diy carbon filters and was wondering if i could use aquarium activated carbon? top thread man.