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  1. NoCash

    This type of shit pisses me off!

    Haha so true. The rich would just set up a police state though. With cops arresting harmless potheads like criminals, and cameras on every street corner relaying live feeds to a major internet search engine that also collected and stored everyone's DNA. Kind of like if cops used Google. Give...
  2. NoCash

    Do Americans Owe Service to the Nation?

    A high quantity of goods produced does not necessarily equal a high standard of life for the majority. I'll admit that relative to much of the world, America has high standards, especially when you compare the US to a third world country. But we still throw away tons (literally) of food while...
  3. NoCash

    American Pride...

    "With ___ as president, everything will be okay." This is the overall message of every presidential campaign, ever. And no president has ever achieved it. Perhaps you mean freedom to toke, and if that's it, then yeah, maybe Ron Paul is the way to go. But I think you meant more than that, and...
  4. NoCash

    Do Americans Owe Service to the Nation?

    Yes. And these kinds of things are completely do-able without working for the government. Food Not Bombs has nothing to do with the government, yet they feed the homeless and hungry. People just need to realise that they can organise beneficial services to the community without Uncle Sam...
  5. NoCash

    This type of shit pisses me off!

    Yep. Just like with alcohol. I'm 18, and it's way easier to get pot than to get alcohol. Everybody sells it because they have to - you can't just walk into a store and get it. You can walk into a store and get beer though, and that's why nobody makes moonshine in their bathtubs anymore.
  6. NoCash

    Why Legalize Salvia

    Salvia is legal in most states. I live in Illinois and they recently passed a law that goes into effect in January 08 that makes it illegal. But I figure, a lot of people have never even heard of it, so even though it will soon be illegal I don't think anyone will be getting their houses raided...
  7. NoCash

    Oregon! First to legalize?

    Haha, I had been thinking about moving to Oregon! Now I guess it's my duty.
  8. NoCash

    Lets try this again - Second Grow

    This time don't go on vacation :)