420- Thanks, I water like every other day. I'm growing in the garage, it doesn't get hot in the daytime and it doesn't get too cold at night. I have an intake and exhaust fan in the storage bins, but only use the exhaust because with the intake it gets toooo cold...
Ganja-I don't have anything...
Hey there, I have a gdp clone that doesnt look very good to me and i figured id post a pic up here and see if anyone knew what could be wrong...
I have a couple plants that I started from seeds and one isnt looking that well, the rest are a really really light green so I dont know if that...
Hopefully someone will look at this... Something is wrong could anyone give me some advice as to what they think it might be?
First off the clone
One of the babies
All of them
The clone has been getting watered every other day, I live in San Diego so its really dry out here, The water...
Hey there! I've posted a couple times in other sections so I guess I should start my Journal here since I plan on being here for awhile.
Lets start this off with my lady, Lucy (She's a Grand Daddy Purp Clone)
Ah now she's beautiful =]
These are 5 seeds from a nug we planted before we got...
Yeah I didnt do it full strength, I read up on what other people on here did so I only did 1/4th the strength...
Well either way, I just hope its ok now and I definitely need to be more careful
Ok I'll definitely stay away from giving her nutes then. Thanks =]
But atleast right now she's lookin better. Before her two big leaves were touching the dirt but now their like a half inch above it. I had also put a wet paper towel in it and put a plastic dome over the clone, maybe that helped it
Hey mygirls... Well she was looking like that before I gave her anything... The past two days I had her she looked like that and I was building the grow box so I couldn't put her under lights as much as I probably should have, Maybe that could have something to do with it? I know she had enough...
I planted my lil lady yesterday in a pot and have her under 400w... I don't know if I'm just being impatient or worrying for no reason but she looks sooo droopy, her two big leaves are just like laying on the soil.. I gave her some nutes today, I'm pretty sure the mix is 10-30-20 its like Johns...
AHHH FINALLY I'm done!!!!! So this is my 1st time growing, and I'm using a grow box. I have my medical card, so its known that I'm growing I just don't want people I don't know or trust to know about it...
I got two 30qt storage bins, (well my sister did, that's why its so freakin small lol)...
Ok so here is my "dilemma"...
I have two thirty gallon tubs that I'm about to paint white,
I have one tray with 20 pods that I planted seeds in yesterday and today unexpectedly I ended up with 5 clones, 4 I'm selling and one I'm keeping..
I also Have 4 100 watt CFL "sunlight" light bulbs...
Electronic- Honestly this was a spur of the moment thing so I plan on buying supplies soon so I can make a grow box similar to someone who put a little tutorial up on here. Thank you =]
KBRoaster- Ok I'll get CFL's then thank you.. What wattage should I get?
Thanks for the advice!! Please keep...
Hey, This is the first time I've ever grown, I've read a lot about it and it's always been an interest of mine so I'm just gonna finally do it. I want to grow INSIDE but I'm going to start them outside because my mom got me this "Greenhouse Kit" (...