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  1. E

    Illinois needs a patients thread

    Its so restrictive but nice to see our (Don't live in IL anymore but have an aunt who would have qualified for this before she died) state begin to wake up to some sort of reality.
  2. E

    My silkroad experiance

    I also got a mega bad virus while perusing the sr. Got on it with a buddy to see if it was real back in febuary never bought anything and within two days or so BAM. Got some sort of bios virus or something that raped my drivers and caused me to not he able to boot up my machine. Couldnt even use...
  3. E

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    Nice tek I'll be following it here in about 3-4 weeks when I move into a place by myself and have an entire room to dedicate to this. I have easy access to cow manure but will go the extra mile and grab some horse poo since its the better of the two. Thanks to all for the answers (and links to...
  4. E

    Adjustawing vs air cooled, which is more efficient?

    from what i remember reading from the bible doesnt the adjustawing have the best light spread?
  5. E

    anyone else utilizing their urine as a nute?

    Urine can burn plants from what I've read somewhere.(no idea where i read that is 3 am here) But its good for the compost pile
  6. E

    Questions For Those Inexperienced

    for a person in the midwest to get some at this price at least in southern MO and IL would have to be buying at least a Half pd or pd and it's definitely the mexi mega brick