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    Do Your Roaches Have More THC? By Dr. Hornby

    My dealer smokes primarily roaches. When we have a tough week, he sells his roaches to us for like 5 bucks a quarter. Tastes nasty but it does the trick.
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    Dear Subcool, we named a non-profit organization after your work

    This sounds awesome. Back when I was in school and had access to the studio I would record about a song every week or two. Granted they weren't all masterpieces but I didn't care because it was ME playing. Sadly I lost all but 4 of my songs and now that I'm out of High School I don't play nearly...
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    The Weekly Bud featuring Sub's New Cam

    Wow sub. I don't think it was user error, I think your camera had to get used to how f*cking amazing your plants are. Great photos of great plants.