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  1. T

    Trichome color: amber??

    Its turn light off time
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    Trichome color: amber??

    I think I may be ready to harvest but I'm not sure. I have a microscope and it seems if I use an LED to illuminate the sample with an LED the trichomes seem clear to cloudy, however if I use a incandescent light they all appear amber. Anyone have any suggestions. What do you use to check?
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Should i harvest it now? If I leave it for a few days to see if it will recover and it doesn't will I be losing potency by waiting? Any help is appreciated
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Thanks What's strange is that this just started happening after the entire time having no problems. The soil feels still a bit moist form just inserting a finger into the bucket. Some of the taller buds, the leaves seem less effected. We were never watering them very much, but the all...
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    I am trying to keep high 70's but was increasing them in an attempt to try to increase the humidity.
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    I did that but she is looking horrible. Would you suggest a) leaving her in the pot and dry there, or b) go ahead and clip her immature buds and begin drying? Thyanks for you help
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    Yeah all the same and look great. The particular plant was damaged and bent but showed a full recovery until now. I have been trying to increase the humidity during flowering, and this plant is near the humidifier. I'm worried, any ideas
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    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    I am about 3 weeks into flowering and one of my babies has starting wilting like crazy in the past two days. Any ideas of why this could be. Last watering and nuting was 3days ago, and was with 10-20-10 miracle grow flower booster.
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    How to adapt this for THC?

    I know how to do it up right. I use it in bars all the time. Do you know how to get a hold of propylene glycol?
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    Wrong Nutes during Flowering! What will happen?

    I just found the magnifying glass, they are clear.
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    Wrong Nutes during Flowering! What will happen?

    Its hard to see, I've lost my magnifying glass. But the appear clear.
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    Wrong Nutes during Flowering! What will happen?

    It was only last night, but they look the same
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    Wrong Nutes during Flowering! What will happen?

    It was 24-8-16 I used instead of 15-30-15, and it is in soil. Thanks for the reply. What is it with the high phosphate that helps the flowering?
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    Wrong Nutes during Flowering! What will happen?

    OH Shit I accidentally used 24-6-8 miracle grow instead of the 15-20-15. Is this bad? What would you guys suggest? Go buy a high Phosphate nute and give it a second little dose, or just leave it?? I am 6 weeks into flowering (using LEDs so slower than usual), most of the hairs are still...