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  1. C

    Whats wrong please help

    600 watt with a sun sun soaker reflector
  2. C

    Whats wrong please help

    soil plants 8 days into flowering. can anyone tell me whats wrong with the bottom of this plant.
  3. C

    How a Police IR helicopter functions?

    yep i would fix that
  4. C

    mary jane's garden ? Any reviews? looking for seeds in usa.

    mary jane's garden ? Any reviews? looking for seeds in usa. any one out there
  5. C

    What do you think?

    thanks . i was thinking that but the air one seems like its a good reflector too. think the sunsoaker will be better then i will take your word thanks
  6. C

    What do you think?

    hey can someone give me an opinion on this reflector what ones best for a large area/preformance
  7. C

    Hydro set up, how much fresh air...

    i was thinking that too would excell work for that?
  8. C

    my plant grew to tall

    i just planted a seed and when it cracked i pet it in dirt. it grew really talll and dont have any leafs what did i do wrong?
  9. C

    What kind of timmers do you guys used

    What kind of timmers do you guys used? im looking for a timmer that i can program to come on every hour for one minute?