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  1. V

    Growing germanated seeds in rockwool

    Shit, I put the seeds in my rockwool cubes and some of them died because of rot. How do you prevent that from happening?
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    Growing germanated seeds in rockwool

    I have some questions I was hoping someone could help me out with. I have some germanated seeds that I just transplanted in rockwool cubes. Am I supposed to put these under lights as soon as the go into cubes or do I stick them in a dark warm place?
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    What type of fertilizer should I use

    I have some plants I started growing inside. I'm growing them hydro and they are growing fast. I bought a vegetation and flowering fertilizer. The problem is when I introduce the fertilizer that the local hydro shop sold me they get fertilizer burn even if I only give them a little. Anyone have...
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    How to change from smaler to larger netpots safely?

    My pots now are 3" also. I was watching a video from High times and the guy was suggesting that you replant plants in a 5 gal bucket so maybe that doesn't apply to hydro.
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    How to change from smaler to larger netpots safely?

    I've got a quick question. So I had my hydro plants growing in smaller net pots. The problem I'm having is the plants grew so quick I now need to get them in larger net pots. The roots are all tangled in the smaller netpots. What is the best/safest way to transfer them to larger pots? Do I sit...
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    Can I transplant seedlings from soil to rockwool?

    Thats sucks because I transplanted last night lol. O well, live and learn I guess. These plants were growing so slow in my sunshine mix. Hydro really is the way to go. The plants I had growing in hydrow grey a foot in a week. These plants in the soil sprouted and stayed the same size for 1.5 weeks.
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    Can I transplant seedlings from soil to rockwool?

    I was wondering if anyone has had any success with this. I have some seedlings I have planted in soil and they are growing soooooooo slow. I want to transplant them to rockwool and convert them to hydro. They are only 2 weeks old. What do you guys think? The seeds were kind of expensive. Also...
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    Question about roots

    The roots are in water constantly. I think they need to be. I have 2 airstones. Maybe I need to flush the system and just run fresh water through.
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    Question about roots

    Is it bad if the roots are browning a little in a hydro setup? When my plants just started out the roots were really white. The container is closed and i'm using half the prescribed nuts. Is that nut burn?
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    Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?

    wow lol, I bought the ph kit and it turns out that my ph was 8.5 plus lol. Thanks for the advice. I flushed and left at a ph of 6
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    Marijuana Seeds

    I just ordered 20 seeds from here and I got 20 free and they were reasonable compared to some other sites I found. They shipped and got seeds in 10 days.
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    Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?

    Hey Greendude, do you know where on the site or elsewhere is a good place to read up on ph/ ppm meter testing info before I start googleing?
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    Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?

    sweet I'll order that stuff tonight. Do you think in the meantime I should flush the system?
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    Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?

    Ok guys sorry for the wait. Here is the chemicals I am using. The bottle prescribed 1 tablespoon per gallon. The container is an 18 gallon. I added about 9. The chem is called Liquid Karma. Below is a screenshot. Here are some pics of my...
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    Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?

    Hey guys thanks for the responses. I am using some nuts I got from a local hydro store. I'll post pics tonight along with the name of the chemicals I'm using. I'm not growing the plants in my apt so I don't have access to them at the moment.
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    Hydro plants have yellow at the tips of the leaves. Can someone tell me why please?

    Hello, I'm a noob at growing. I have just recently picked up some small plants in rockwool. I set up a Hydro setup out of a 18 gallon tank with ne tpots and hydroton clay balls. I'm using an air pump and grow lights. The temp is at 75 steady. I feel like I have covered all my bases. Are my...