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  1. fumaganja

    Catapiilars help!

    Thanks guys. The only way I can see possible to salvage any is by harvesting them now, what do you guys think, are they close enough to being ready?
  2. fumaganja

    Catapiilars help!

    T Thanks. What is BT?
  3. fumaganja

    Catapiilars help!

    Here you can see what’s happening to the buds
  4. fumaganja

    Catapiilars help!

    Hi guys Was doing so well this year finally avoiding any insects and out of no where I have a bloody catapilar invasion literally eating my buds. What can I do? I’m taking them off by hand everyday but it’s still killing my buds and they are only about two weeks from finishing, also another...
  5. fumaganja

    Is this plant to late to top?

    Hi all, is this plant too high to top? Would it benefit from topping? Looks like it’s growing tall fast compared to the others, or best to leave it to grow naturally? Thanks
  6. fumaganja

    Light timing

    This is probably going to be the stupidest thing you’ve heard but got to ask it, i germinated 3 seeds about a month ago they are now small plants I’ve had them under a small light as it’s been raining ever since and couldn’t put them outside, I couldn’t find my timer so I’ve been turning them on...
  7. fumaganja

    Are these big enough to put outside?

    Hi guys, Are my plants big enough to plant outside yet directly in to the ground? We’re in late March here getting approx 12,30 hours of light a day. I only have them under a weak fluorescent tube so keen to get them out, we’ve also had so much rain which I believe will be a good boost for...
  8. fumaganja

    Aphids how to prevent

    Hey guys, so we’re coming up to that time of year again. I live in a rural area and we get so many aphids on all of the garden plants, everytime I plant weed plants they get covered in them too. What can I do to prevent them?
  9. fumaganja

    What is this bug that’s killing my plants?

    hi guys what is this bug? My plants have been dying and I believe I’ve found out why now!
  10. fumaganja

    Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy

    Thanks For your comments everyone. Yes this was the grow from the link above, I believe I have found the culprits, a very weird white squidgy insect, I have sprayed it with insect killer and neem oil, but half of the stems are just brown and all of the pistols are like dead as well, not sure...
  11. fumaganja

    Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy

    I would say flowering about 3-4 weeks now, I bought them from royal queen seeds. They started off so good then just went bam all weird
  12. fumaganja

    Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy

    And forgot to say they don’t even smell!
  13. fumaganja

    Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy

    Thanks guys notes taken for the above comments. Here is another photo of one of them, I have two, I wonder if maybe it’s an insect? The stems just look weak and yellow, I can’t see any though. So sad to see it all go to shit
  14. fumaganja

    Plants won’t grow and look so unhealthy

    Hi guys, so my plants are in budding now but they are so unhealthy, I changed them to bigger pots about 7 weeks ago and I’m worried I gave them too much water at the beginning which has maybe caused bud rot. All of the leaves are turning yellow and the leaves are forever drooping, it seems...
  15. fumaganja

    Move to bigger pots or leave?

    Hey all, so update on my plants. Moved to bigger pots but they seem to have stopped getting any bigger not sure why. Also seem to be getting a lot of yellow leaves. What could be the problem be?
  16. fumaganja

    Move to bigger pots or leave?

    Just an update guys I’ve put them in to big 250 liter pots! Let’s see how they grow now, I’ll try to keep you posted on the growth
  17. fumaganja

    Move to bigger pots or leave?

    You’ll laugh but just a normal all in one plant food from the garden center. I bought at the beginning a Dutch product which is organic and I mixed it in with the soil, it has all of the nutrients the plants need until flowering and I don’t know how but there’s something in it so that you don’t...
  18. fumaganja

    Move to bigger pots or leave?

    Thanks! One plant per pot, 2 in total!
  19. fumaganja

    Move to bigger pots or leave?

    Hi guys, So my two moby dicks are growing lovely as you can see in the photos. They absolutely stink and haven’t even started flowering. I have them in 50L pots, they’ve been growing two months approx, maybe a bit more can’t remember. Should I move them to bigger pots? Will it increase my...
  20. fumaganja

    Wow has anyone ever seen a stem like this?!

    Ah shit that’s annoying, it’s Moby dick from royal queen seeds