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  1. malorkis

    What the FUK is wrong this these plants? (PICS)

    I haven't used any fertilizer yet. The new growth is green, the old growth looks like it's getting burned...
  2. malorkis

    What the FUK is wrong this these plants? (PICS)

    She's only 2 weeks old, indoor CFL grow. I haven't used any fertilizer, i only water every couple days when 2 inches off the top soil is dry... Is it fert burn from the soil? Too much light? I'm only using three 60 watt CFL that put out 4500 lumens each.
  3. malorkis

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    These are all same plant, different camera settings.... About 6 weeks flowering... ALSO, I'm not sure of the strain, any guesses would be beneficial!
  4. malorkis

    Are these done?

  5. malorkis

    Are these done?

    They are all same plant, but different camera settings for the pictures...
  6. malorkis

    Are these Done?

    If not, how much longer till harvest??
  7. malorkis

    What's the PROBLEM? PICS Inside! Please help...

    Ok, the dark one is 1 1/2 weeks into flowering. she was doing perfect, but last couple of days shes starting to droop and curl a bit. There are signs of new growth though. She has always been dark in color. I water only when the soil is dry 2-3 inches down. I jsut started feeding her small...
  8. malorkis

    Topping Mr. Nice Guy

    Anyone Have experience topping Mr. Nice Guy? Does this plant respond well to being topped? Thanks
  9. malorkis

    Adding Nutes - Different Strengths and Analysis

    My two plants are still young clones, about 2-3 inches tall in soil. So far just pH balanced distilled water. When should I start adding nute and how often? I have a Miracle Grow nute that is a 24-8-16 and also a Flora Nova Bloom Nute witch is 4-8-7. I know some say Miracle grow is okay...
  10. malorkis

    Piss N' Blood
  11. malorkis

    Independent and Local Musicians!
  12. malorkis

    pH question

    I Flushed my plants yesterday because the pH was at 7-8! after I flushed I used some pH Down and this morning I checked them and the pH reads like 4-5... Is it ok to just add some pH Up today even though I flushed the crap out of them yesterday and the soil is still wet? also should I add my...
  13. malorkis

    What is Wrong with my Plants? (Pictures)

    ok, so i flushed with a ph down, the ph was way up, like around 7-8. i got to read about 6.5. But i flushed alot and just hope that it doesnt "drown" my plants! i also got some flora nova nute...i'll keep you posted
  14. malorkis

    What is Wrong with my Plants? (Pictures)

    so after i pH balance my water, should I flush the soil, or just wait until next watering?
  15. malorkis

    What is Wrong with my Plants? (Pictures)

    I am just afraid if i flush it will drown the plants
  16. malorkis

    What is Wrong with my Plants? (Pictures)

    2 weeks into flowering. I think it might be overwatered or maybe roots are tangled? I only water every 3-4 days or so. I'm using 3 2700 lumen CFLs, 2 fans, one for intake, one for venting, temp is always around 78F. I think they could use a good flush, but I am afraid it will drown the...