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  1. D

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I have a 3 week old plant. a week ago, the bottom leaves started yellowing and crisping at the tips, this is progressing up the plant slowly, but I can see it worsening each day. The plant looks healthy from a distance, but I need perfect. between the leaf veins, it is lighter in color than...
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    Yellowing Leaves and dropping!! Too Much Water???

    With floro lighting you want to keep the bulbs real close like 3-4 inches from the tops to keep them from stretching. You also have small pots to begin with, but you only filled them halfway? Your soil looks more bark than anything. If you're on a budget, get some MG moisture control and read up...
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    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    Hey, I've grew Papaya a few times. So far my favorite of the few strains that I grew. I've smoked on it for months at a time. Stuff is so tasty, my mouths watering just thinking about it! The calyx/leaf ratio is awesome. After curing, buds look like turds of hair. You're in for a treat, bro.
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    WTF is this shit?? PLEASE HELP ME (pics inside)

    Everybody's saying flush, but you're not watering too often are you?
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    "LED" LIGHT ARRAYS! All about them...

    Sorry for the very late reply. I started a grow about a month after you posted this. 120w (1w bulbs), 2 autoflowers, FFOF, no nutes (only calmag) I got ~2oz each. So I did pretty darn close to the 1g/watt thing. But the killer thing was the lamp only pulled ~91w according to my kill-a-watt. So...
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    Seedling leaves changed within hours

    Hate to bump but just got here through google. But, that is absolutely wrong. There is alot of growth that goes on the first 2-4 weeks, and they need nutrients. Especially in an almost inert medium like coco. If you have pictures of seedlings you grew 2-4 weeks with no nutrients, please share...
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    How Hard Is It To Grow a Meth Plant?

    Well aren't you the ball of sunshine everyone wants to smoke with...
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    NC House Bill 1380--The Medical Marijuana Act!

    Jus' wanting to show some love to the sandhills!
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    *urgent* newly sprouted seedling curled over advice please!

    Sounds like you buried the seed too shallow.
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    Nirvana Aurora Harvest

    I grew Aurora before. I cut it down at 9 weeks. Intense smoke but too energy draining for me.
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    Make My Own Room or Buy It from a Hydroshop or Buy a Cabinet and Put Stuff in it?

    Save urself time, money and headache and just get a tent. trust. you'll save driving back and forth, effort, money on supplies and tools, ect.
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    How to Smoke Undried and Uncured Weed (wet)

    what's with all the hating? man, this vid made my day. lul'd like all hell. thanks, guy.
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    Drooping Seedlings?

    I've grown Blue Himalaya before. had 2 phenos. a chunky green one w/ tiny bit of purple, and a lanky purple one. everyone agreed that it's a good smoke. i just don't totally agree with the taste. and had a leaf to calyx ratio that I wasn't too fond of. but that might just be an auto trait. did...
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    Seeds Crack Wont Grow?

    I sow seeds right in soil, in the pots that they finish in. I like to water my soil in the pot, get it nice and wet, then take a fork and 'fluff' up the soil about 3" deep (deeper the better). Lightly pat and even the soil out. Think that you're making a soft wet bed for the seed. Then make a...
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    Led Users Unite!

    They are actually diodes and not resistors. I'm hoping it does as well or better!
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    Led Users Unite!

    HTG change their LED? The first 120w I got had 112 leds (good grow from that one). The second one I got had 55 leds w/ diodes? Both say 120w on the label.
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    Led Users Unite!

    too quiet... where'd all the shills go?
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    Led Users Unite!

    No! My HTGsupply LED is best! Not yours! ;-)
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    Led Users Unite!

    Thanks :eyesmoke:I just bought another one, and gonna bump it up another plant.
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    Led Users Unite!

    I've grown using a 120w LED from HTG. 2 plants, I got 2oz each. Pretty close to the gram per watt. And that was in soil.