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  1. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    i got one better ... videos on the way. i can post vids right ? anyway it doesnt matter its doubles and is on the charger. its charged but if i go now it will die. i have all night and im not going anywhere ... hang tight.
  2. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    coming needle dick give me 10 minutes
  3. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    call me what you wish man .... and stick to your closet and your 9-5.
  4. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    message me sandbagger ill enlighten you.
  5. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    i guess pics are otw ! give me 20 min. gotta get todays paper.
  6. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    oooooo that was jhakari. send him a private message hell tell you. used my account because he was "worried". i was overseas and he called me from san leandro with questions. i told him to do some research. and gave him the info. but whatevv.... so i what ? all of a sudden got knowledgeable by...
  7. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    please repost the thread list ! i would love to see this !
  8. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    and your right man it would constitute extra attention to the op..... but i got this little brother .... jealousy is such a female trait .... all i did was comment on the thread man. and have nothing to prove. somebody showed a thread list of post ive "recently" posted about learning to grow ...
  9. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    found this site in 07', freshman year at UT. at the beginning of my ventures .... and havnt posted much. had like 7 post when i came back this year. so yeah i can see what you mean. funny how things change so fast ^_^
  10. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    posted in 2007. enough said.
  11. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    and your comical dude. i could run circles around anything you got going on ..... your in the minor leagues son. i got used fema trailors full of crop .... sittin on 2200 acres i own. dont kid yourself with your closet grow brotha.
  12. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    dude .... im talking about keeping the GROW. like the ACTUAL GROW. a secret. are you fucking stupid ? like a complete fucking moron ? do your grow ... regardless of how big, keep it a secret, when you have your product. sell it. nobody has to know that YOU grew it. jesus christ dude. i got...
  13. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    anyways if you have any more legit questions just message me ... ! bout to catch some zzzz's
  14. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    iiiii hear ya about the email ... even if you made a bogus one its the IP that counts .... maaa bad. pretty big pots. like 16-20 inches. and i use the roots 707, the one with that comes in the camo bag, use to use foxfarm but ehhh, brite ideas talked me into this and its perfect. and yeah its...
  15. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    i sell qp's in east texas for 12 hundred .... lol ... down here in austin .... 8-9. halfs for 450.
  16. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    check it out ... send me an email. ill send you some pics.
  17. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    and of course i run the ac man, along with plenty of fans. and of course a humidifier .... electricity bills here during peak months hit 350-400 anyway. mines usually about 550.
  18. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    it takes along time to trim the 30+ lbs ive got from the yield. and that was while misusing the co2 .... i got this shit in the bag now. potentially i can get 40 lbs. no doubt about it. and do you have an email ? ill send you a picture of my harvest. sure.
  19. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    Stoner Jobs

    anything else mr skeptical ? and about the AC each light adds roughly 25-30 dollars a month to my bill. so i cut it to 22-2 during the veg and its helped, not just the bulbs lifespan, but my energy bill by about 5 bucks a light. so roughly 120$ extra a month. and SINCE its so hot in texas, the...
  20. Mr.SupaDupaSmokaToka

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    ahahaha right ? funny as shit. so what you payin for the half and the zone ? i take it you live down south as well, NOLA ? given the icon.