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  1. 420 24/7

    5 min meth

    Just stuble across this thread why the fuck does this site allow this crap to be posted i thought this was a maryjane site ALSO IF U READING THIS THREAD AND THINKING OF USING METH PLZ DO URSELF A FAVOUR-JUST DONT THEIR ARE EASY AND CHEAPER WAYS TO KILL URSELF !
  2. 420 24/7

    30 plants jailtime ?

    Ok thanks for all the info guys i think i will my cut them down to 15 plants anyway thanks alot =)
  3. 420 24/7

    30 plants jailtime ?

    People who grow cannabis in their homes or carry large amounts on them also risk being charged with intent to supply. The maximum penalty for supply is 14 years in prison plus an unlimited fine how the hell do u keep...
  4. 420 24/7

    30 plants jailtime ?

    Not 2 sure i have a look
  5. 420 24/7

    30 plants jailtime ?

    quick qustion if i were to get caught growing 30 plants would i defo be looking at jail.The reason im asking is i want to grow 30 autoflowers plants and have been told looking at a oz per plant also im in the uk :blsmoke:
  6. 420 24/7

    Bong Wate r !

    has any one tryed mixing the bong water into a cake mix and did u get : ) STONED = )
  7. 420 24/7

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Can someome plz aswer my thread Link
  8. 420 24/7

    Mw2 clan

    Anyone instrested in starting a clan on mw2 (PS3) If u are then just drop a comment with your gamer tag and i shall add u . i really dont care if u are not the greatest player in the world it just for fun .
  9. 420 24/7

    Uk growers

    Hey everyone has anyone on this forum from uk growed weed outdoors successfully and what strain was it.As planning to grow outdoors next year im thinking of getting these seeds check out the link let me know what u think ??? Link
  10. 420 24/7

    Plant doulbe in size when in flowering ?

    ok thanks for the relpys guys
  11. 420 24/7

    Plant doulbe in size when in flowering ?

    Hi all a friend said to me that when u flower ur plant it will doulbe in size so let say a 12 inch would be a 24 inch when u go to harvest it.Is this true?
  12. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    his some new pics
  13. 420 24/7

    10 plants, question...

    About a oz a plant
  14. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    ok going to buy cfl light torromor also how long will it take to get the plant back on track.
  15. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    ok will have to pick one up
  16. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    it has leaves but there not very big
  17. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    will a 26 watt cfl fit a table lamp ?
  18. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    Im only using a 40 watt normal bulb it on a 18/6 cycle as plan to plant them outdoors i have now move the plant so it sitting about a inch from the light also top up the soil to the rim of the pot i will try to post some new pic later tonight
  19. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    Shes is a fem lemon skunk m8 first ever grow so just getting to grips with everthing lol.
  20. 420 24/7

    4 day old seedlings

    it is under a lamp i just took the pic at my window sill as under the lamp is was messin with the webcam will it still survie