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  1. J

    Help! My seedlings are becoming covered in what looks like salt!

    if this is accurate, ive straight bastardized these poor plants, which is exactly why this is one of several practice grows. Mostly i just wanted to test the tray out to see if was sufficient for decent sized starters, which i feel it is (9 2"x2" cups in the tray).
  2. J

    Help! My seedlings are becoming covered in what looks like salt!

    hell i didnt steal it, i just saw a perfect tray with good soil for $2 & i couldnt resist, this isnt a real serious grow, its just the first of a couple test runs of growin regs before i try on something good.
  3. J

    Help! My seedlings are becoming covered in what looks like salt!

    took a look, no eggs. this stuff is spreading & is crystallized like salt, its not in little bits, its literally like crystallizing, each spot isisolated & is a solid crystal around 1/4" in size. the dirt is just some soil flowers were growing in at wally world, watering with regular water & MG...
  4. J

    Help! My seedlings are becoming covered in what looks like salt!

    Hi, im doing a CFL closet grow with a soil medium & im getting somewhat crystalline deposits on my leaves, when picked off it is hard & has depth to it, & crumbles & feels like rocksalt, but ive used no salt. what could this be? its only on the leaves & doesnt actually look like a fungus or...
  5. J

    What if you live in a motorhome with your mmj patient wife-can she smoke while rollin

    hello all! my question is this: my wife has chronic back pain (no shit, a porch rail collapsed while she was leaning on it & she fractured some things & has had back pain since halloween)--if she gets the medical mmj paperwork completed & we live in a driveable motorhome-can she smoke if its...