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  1. T


    The one from Amazon is very good. My boy got one for like $10 there and does the trick.
  2. T

    Is Anyone Else Addicted To Ebay...LOL... :-) Wanna Here Your Savings Stories...

    My scale and grinder came from ebay. Got both from the same seller for $10 delivered.
  3. T

    Funny stoner stories.

    Here's a pretty recent one that happened last Friday: So my last day of school before exams was Friday, so getting toasty before school was a must. I picked up my boy that I drive to school and went bowl for bowl. The night before, I grabbed a brownie from a friend, so I ate that right before I...
  4. T

    Quit Smoking Cigarettes

    I've tried a couple times myself, too hard. I love my menthol :)