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    Marijuana Strain List.

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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    No am a felon I cant vote come to Cali my brother you wont make it in my concrete jungle!!!! If you believed what you're saying you would have done anything to help others even if that means putting your own freedom on the line butt you havent!!! I have two disabled parents that I give medical...
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    LMAO your such a PUSSY LMAO! am really laughing over here your killing me kid killing me
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    If you really felt that strongly about it then you would have taken risks like me and been sent to prison for it because you knew there where people out there that needed it!!!! Butt because you're a pussy that doesn't believe your own crap that comes out of your mouth, you wanna talk about a...
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    You will never effect my business hommie LMAO!!! Your a fly on the wall.
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    I don't want a monopoly I want to make a living!!!!! I have seen the medical benefits of Mary jane and anybody who needs it should have it!!!! if you want discount weed then grow it in your back yard if you want the super bomb shittttt then pay for it!!!! I dont work for free do u???????????
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    People that need it should have it and see and dr. To get it's simple as that keep it medical!!!!!
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    I have made my living last ten 10 years off being a wholesaler in CA on the street and to the Clinics! So if I come into your business and fuck it up how happy will you be???? All they want to do is take the profit out of it and tax the shit out of it!!!! All you pussies who where to scared to...
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    New Girl, Opening My Dispensary Next Year

    Welcome Nicole! bikini model nice not only Iam i an avid marijuana lover and user, But also an amateur photographer lol we have kindred spirits. So any questions or comment feel free. One question for you what state are you planing your dispensary in?
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    Prop 19 Is BAD For Small Business.

    Cant agree with you more brother you got my vote!!!!
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    Hello RIU Family!

    Hi there ive been a member for some months just not really active due to life just being life but now am here and i love all the great minds and information circling around!! I have Been in the game for years i used to be a wholsaler, then turned smoker then turned grower, lol went from soil to...
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    death to spider mite

    Predatory mites, Lady buggs, praying mantis, Then bleach the fuck outta your room!!!! Predatory mites die after all spider mites and there eggs are dead basically after there is no more food. Watch what you bring in to your room most cases its clones that aleardy where infected!
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    Aero system I put together for $51

    Props bro. after tons of research this is the exact system I have built myself after switching from soil to aero!!!! Dude both my parents are disabled and I make them pot brownies and they sleep like babies instead of taking all those pain medications that kill your liver and entire central...
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    Can someone tell me what type of hydro system is featured in these pictures?

    Just wanted to say what's up everybody had a question about the hole fogger debate I recently purchased a The Neutralist Universal d Fogger for my first aeroponic setup up! Have not had a chance to use it do to unforeseen circumstances have not even had a chance to use most of my new equipment...
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    Monkey Balls,Pink Panther, Thai Goo, Willy Wonders

    Yo Glass sorry man haven't been on here in a bit!!!! Dude thats way down!!! Iam in so cal and head to nor cal often for business thats whats up bro. that would be awesome!!!! I got a few nice things myself that are not floating around in seed that i can throw your way as well!!!! Fish thanks for...
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    New Aeroflo2 60 Grow! Started from the ground up! Lots of Pics!!

    Yo Dpagano Props bro.!!! Just want to comment on a few things read through the entire thread last night, good bedtime reading LOL! Just one small piece of advice I looked through almost all your pics and and even more so after I read that you got mites and noticed webs on your bud man thats all...
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    Whats the best bud youve evr smoked??

    MONKEY Balls, Thai Good, Pink Panther aka Pink Champagne, Willy Wonders! The Dopest Dope i ever smoked!!
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    Monkey Balls,Pink Panther, Thai Goo, Willy Wonders

    About a year ago i go some of the dopest dope i have ever smoked and still to this day up until about a week ago i haven't see either of these strains anywhere just curious if anybody else has! Iam kicking myself in the ass now i should have taken photos craizyts buds ive ever seen and ive seen...