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  1. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    wtf are you talking about? lmao
  2. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    yea well i mean im starting half-way thru summer so im just turning all the lights off in the house because i have them on normally anyways so that'll save energy and yea im doing soil, im prob gunna use miracle grow, i think its a 20-20-20 mix
  3. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    alright and i mean it cant be much worse, my parents just got divorced and my dad tried to kill me so i don't really care what anyone else says i should do to my mom or not.
  4. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    but im growin dutch passion white widow? i thought they put out lots of yield
  5. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    nahhh i thought it was a misdeminor if you have under 6 plants?!?!? i mean i only live with my mom and brother is getting sent out for training in the MARINES! in a year (im paying him $400 not to say shit) and yea the smell i plan on covering it with ONA odor, and incense in my room. I wanted...
  6. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    my mom doesnt even know im growin and has no idea i do and has never caught me. don't act like your good, were all doin illegal shit here so why hate? i don't want to fight over stupid shit bro
  7. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    Im building a dresser grow box about height-42 in. length-28 in. width-20 in. and its looking pretty good but im goin to the hydro store in a few days once i get the $150 i need to buy stuff. I have a pc grow box im using for vegatation stage and ill move them over when time comes to the large...
  8. growpro16

    Need to know what to buy at hydro store! $150 to spend.

    Im building a dresser grow box about height-42 in. length-28 in. width-20 in. and its looking pretty good but im goin to the hydro store in a few days once i get the $150 i need to buy stuff. I have a pc grow box im using for vegatation stage and ill move them over when time comes to the large...
  9. growpro16

    helppp Plant seriously dying

    stop posting so many threads and someone might decide to help you....
  10. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    alright ill deffenitly check it out! Thanks again everyone! "the more you learn about weed, the better!"
  11. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    ohhh yea gotcha, their 100w actual 27w so i got like 101 wats in the pc right now, i think?
  12. growpro16

    PC Case Build w/ moving lamps...

    alright you helped alot! Thanks!!
  13. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    UPDATE: I put another cfl 100w light in so im at 400w so im at 7000 lumens total now. lemme know what you guys think about the addition. oh and i also took off the box covering the out-take fans because it wasnt taking enough heat out but 4 lights should keep temp now. wish me luck on my grow...
  14. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    aightt thanks! That looked like a pretty good idea tho
  15. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    haha yea i deffintily plan on scroging! its like the only way its gunna stay in that mutha fuckin case lol. and nice grow box! i like the idea about the glass but does it reflect any light?? lemme know cause i might try it out! Thanks!
  16. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    hey whats up, bump just shows more comments on the thread which will get more ppl to look at my thread and will get me more help overall haha and yea its for 2 full grown white widows but thats why im scrog'ing it
  17. growpro16

    advice on my pc grow box

    alright will do, thanks again!
  18. growpro16

    Are Feminized Seeds Worth It?

    lol last comment, just kinda simple but funny
  19. growpro16

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    pretty dumb question the hell do i set-up my profile pic/avatar (whatever the fuck you wanna call it)? pm please cause i dont wanna go searchin for this forum again lol THANKS!