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  1. S

    Amsterdam Stories

    my fave coffeeshop must of been the green room.... used to like the grass hopper but its far to pricy....
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    Amsterdam Stories

    Ive just got back from Amsterdam and im sure many of you know its a weird and wonderful place where all sorts happens. so shear your best Amsterdam story with us....
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    Has Anyone tried Smoking Marijuana Leaves?

    Stay clear of smokeing Leaves and stems ive herd they have the most cancer inducting intoxines in the whole plant........
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    Why do you smoke weed?

    i love it when you can feel the stoned buzz creeping up your body when youve just smoked a fat boy...... instant relaxation.
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    Mind your own fooking business or don't

    I like to get very very fucking stoned if im stressed
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    High Cholesterol

    i know the herb helps other illness but ... could eating/smokeing cannabis help reduce high colestral?:roll:
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    This Changed My Life Forever.

    haha! In the UK we call that "Greening out" my friend. it happens when you smoke to much for you little self go out side and get some fresh air dose the trick dont know what your going on about jesus and stuff tho!
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    Self Destructing Cabinets

    yo, why dont you just rig your house up with frying pans!? it worked for wacko jacko's little friend
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    maybe we are the aliens to the earth maybe the animals ruled! then we came and took over
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    My first (hopefully successful) Aerogarden Grow!

    well said .....I am currently giving the aerogarden a try and all is sweet so far !....if it fails i will go back to normal methods .