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  1. I

    Are These Girls Ready Yet? (White Berry & A Mystery Strain)

    the pics I have at the begining are of the wb, I must admit it looks a lil different than the pic, but that's it though. u can see the resemblence
  2. I

    Are These Girls Ready Yet? (White Berry & A Mystery Strain)

    I was thinking at least another week. After I clip them I want to keep them for at least one more harvest. So do I just clip the buds and continue to feed it with the last week's schedule? About how long does it take for another harvest after you clip?
  3. I

    Aerogarden club

    You're right, it's the nutes. I basically run my off the "Tomato" setting until flower. You're gonna have to update your lighting as well. In the begining the aero light should be good enough, until flower. At least I think so....I'm no expert, I'm just telling you from my experiences. I'm...
  4. I

    Are These Girls Ready Yet? (White Berry & A Mystery Strain)

    Well I guess my story goes something like this. I started growing these two about the end of may. I actually started with 4, 1 was a male and the other just didn't make it. Now in the end I have some White Berry, which is the fuzzier one. All the pistils on both of them are orange but all...
  5. I

    Aerogarden problem

    Here you go, on the aerogarden cut off the playstation looking part, then find a playstation and do the same to the unneeded end. Splice the cut ends together (positive to positive, negative to negative) Wrap some black electrical tape around the splice and plug in.
  6. I

    The AeroGarden

    My girl just came to me yesterday with this frontgate catalog for christmas shopping, and showed me the aerogarden......YES!!!!! The busy man's way to go. I see it looks like it's going good for you. My g/f and I went on various road trips all up and down the east coast and we collected seeds...