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  1. F

    Titan Controls Flo n gro

    Hi all, I am writing this today becaus I am seething mad with Titan controls, and I ordered the "Titan Controls flo n gro COMPLETE SYTEM" from them the other day. After what I thought was thorough research turned out to be tricky marketing. I looked up and down at this site...
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    Free Grow Software!

    Whers the ipad herb iq app?
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    Nute question

    I am switching from hydro to soil for my 3rd grow. When adding my nutes for hydro i sometimes had to add more nute mixture during the week to keep it at 2.2-2.4EC. After it would drop to 1.8 or so 1/2 way thru the week. Im switching to a mostly sphagnum moss medium and i want to know if i should...
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    Streets Ultimate Medical Grow Journal with 20+ strains, PICS!

    Hi streets AMAZING setup man!! I also live in mi can u post a link w some more info, thanks
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    Virgin Grow - RDWC, Why Not?

    Just wanted to let u know that my 1st grow with the PK, i used Humboldt Honey Hydro ES, and flavorful and they really seemed to love it. This time around i haven't used it cuz it was clogging my pump up, and they're not nearly as big and fat on the top. So I'd suggest making sure u use some kind...
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    2nd Hydro Grow Purple Kush

    Here are some update shots, hopefully somebody will actually comment now, because these PK's are starting to look awfully sexy
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    Cutting Edge Solution Sugaree

    I got a free bottle of this stuff today, and the label says it's for coco coir, or soil bases systems. I'm currently running a 600/ aeroponics setup, and was wondering if i should use it, cuz the rest of their lineup kicks ass? Or if it just SHOULD NOT be used with hydro setups. If anybody has...
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    2nd Hydro Grow Purple Kush

    Hi all, 1st things 1st -1x600w MH/veg HPS/flower -Cutting Edge Solutions 3 part, and Uncle Johns Blend, also Ginormous,Hygrozyme,Green Thrive Alive. And Here is my setup --> This seems to be doing the trick, last time i used Fox Farm and the results...
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    Cutting edge solutions

    I will be using this for my 2nd go rnd, everybody on this thred has had good results so that's awesome to see!
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    In line fan dying???

    thx for the advice guys..since i'm a lazy stoner i didn't do shit about it, but the squealing has stopped by itself lol, and haven't noticed anymore problems with it at all... the fan also came with a carbon filter, so it probably is cheaper made than a vortex or other high end fan...but my grow...
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    In line fan dying???

    haha r u for real or just being a dumbass?
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    In line fan dying???

    I have a in line After about 6 months of use it has started exhibiting a squealing noise, it happened after my gf blew the circuit breaker, by plugging the vacuum...
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    Infrared light effect sleep time???

    bump, I have a cordless webcam with infrared lights around the edge of the lens. Anybody have any updates as to whether this will affect my plants during flower? They're in week 4, and i'm scared to try it w/o knowing 4 sure..any help is appreciated
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    Bleach instead of H2o2

    Best and most useful thread ever guys + rep u all +) I've been using hygro in my setup, and after reading these posts i was horrified, started adding bleach to kill off all the bacteria i caused in my rez with fuckin hygrozyme that i spent a fortune on..uggh!@
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    Hello from Michigan!!!

    3's a crowd! :D
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    Raidermans Purple Kush,OG Kush18,Godbud,WWidow

    I just took 15 PK clones and after looking at urs i can't wait to get em started soon!! Best $100 ever for them beans lol
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    Purple Kush Mother Plants

    I have 2 fem PK's that i want to turn into mother plants. Is there a special way to prune them or something to get the fastest possible branch growth, so I can cut clones? They are approx. 1 ft tall right now each under 7000 lumens of cfls. I need 14 clones in approx 1.5 mnths. Do you think i'll...
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    14 purps 600w hps..what to do

    I have 14 purps in an aquamist iv system. They are 5 days into flowering, and are VERY BUSHY.. I started trimming the bottom 1/3 off the plants to achieve the "lollipopping" technique. I'm wondering if I was supposed to do this before i turned them into flowering? Or is it ok to do it now...
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    lollipopping timing

    thx for the advice, i was just looking at em again, and they're SOOO thick.. that something needs to be done. You think i'm better off scroging em with a net or lollipopping them?
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    lollipopping timing

    I have 14 Purps in a aquamist iv system under a 600hps. It's day 2 into flowering and after looking at all my options decided lollipoping was the best way to maximize what very little space i'm using. e 2'x2'. My question is can lolipopping be done in the flowering stage? or did i miss the boat...