I see. So you propose conforming to using foul language would be the appropriate mode to diverse written communication? Please refrain from behaving in such a threatening and rude maner. If you have any further issues you would like to shed light upon please contact MODS or ADMINS. Thank you.
Yup, your wise to listen to JealousGreen. The seeds dont go bad from letting em sit on the plant longer, only better. They grow darker, the shell harder and viability goes up.
Yes its a pretty neat piece. It was gifted to us by a reputable indi breeder. I dont have any more info on that strain but I have asked him for a more detailed description on his work. Ill get back to you on it.
Oh my... I am speechless. There is so many hypes tossed around but THIS must take the prize. This is EXACTLY why we started the commonwealth. I say stop buying into their twisted memes and go open source. If everyone would join up into open source initiatives greedy f#"!s like those would soon...
Greeting Nick!
Well... I shouldnt hand out invites here without the mods/admin blessing. It might be against the rules. Any mods/admin who might shed some light on the subject?
In the habit of googling myself I saw this post and joined rollitup to join in.
Tingpoon, dont shoot the messenger man. If anyone shot be shot down I guess its me. If you have any complaints please let me know.
Well, take care people.